A Hidden Scepter

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The Queen burst into her kingdom with the help of her General Gonda, she headed for her chambers, she knew they were going to try and take over the kingdoms while everyone is disabled. At least she killed a good amount of the U.S.K., sneaky low-down slime. Ava wished the human girl would have just used the pellet she gave her for King Namath. That Megalodon Vektor tore through her whole army just about. She went to her wardrobe and grabbed her Scepter, seven Scepters for seven different kingdoms, no one will be getting hers. She heard a loud crash downstairs, Queen Ava automatically went into defense mode and blended in with her surroundings. Then she went out the upstairs window and used her tentacles to climb down the tower. As she was stealthily moving by she noticed Crocs all around the Kingdom. Queen Ava prayed that God would forgive her.

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