The Crocs Plan

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King Rolan entered the room and everyone went quiet, he was the biggest saltwater Crocodile to live in the deep blue. He walked to the throne and sat down. His oldest son Prince Zaz was the first to speak, "I almost had that human father, I tasted her blood." The King got up and walked over to his son and smacked him to the ground with his gigantic tail. The King then spoke, "You're a fool Zaz, the sharks are who we worry about, not sad despicable humans, I will control all of the deep blues, nothing, not even these sharks will stop me. Zaz got back to his feet as his father was sitting back on the throne. Another 12-foot Croc stepped in front of the King. He had a Crab as a prisoner, "What shall I do with this pest that interfered with my kill, your Majesty?" King Rolan looked the crab over and explained, "Well Roc, I know you would love to consume him but I think he will give us leverage, so lock him up!" As soon as the one croc walks away, a little one comes to the king, "Sire there is someone here to see you." The King gets up and says, "Excuse me, I must attend to this." And walks out of the room. Rolan walks to his special chamber and enters. The King says, "Please say you have wonderful news, Queen Lily?" The great white Queen shows teeth and says, "King Rolan, King Coral sent me to tell you everything is going as scheduled, all you need to do is stick to your part of the plan." King Rolan says, "Do not worry Lilly, my plan is golden." Queen Lily leaves showing her teeth. King Roland rushed right back to the throne room. He went up to Zaz and said, "Our plan is going perfectly, it's time to take the Deep Blue!"

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