The Octopus Kingdom

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Sarah swims out into the deep dark blue with Boro and a giant whale shark; he was one of the guards guarding the entrance when she and Stacey first arrived. Sarah is worried about Stacey, can she trust this King Nameth? She pushes all the thoughts from her mind. They swim for what seems like a mile or more and finally Boro points ahead, there are a bunch of huge statues of Octopus and squid, and Sarah can't help but think how beautiful it is down here in the deep blue. There were all kinds of different species of fish swimming everywhere, Sarah wished Stacey could be here to see all the loveliness her eyes were seeing. Boro swam beside her and let out, "Pay attention we are approaching the Octo castle shortly." Sarah looked and saw the enormous underwater castle, it was stunning, there were two huge towers on each side of it. She was actually in a wonderful mood, but then a huge jellyfish ordered them to halt.

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