Psycho Tendencies

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Stripe and Onyx were the first to arrive at the kingdom. Sarah leaped off Onyx and ran over and hugged Stacey, Sarah confessed, "I'm glad you're ok." Onyx said, "Come on Stripe, we gotta get back to my father." Sarah watched as they took off. It seemed like forever had gone by, and Stacey was starting to freak out. Then they started to see Sharks approaching, Sarah just prayed it was the right sharks. Thankfully it was, Sarah noticed King Namath, Onyx, Stripe, and General Gash. King Namath announced, "We've lost a lot, we need to get in and take precautions." Once everyone was in the Kingdom, Stripe started breaking stuff, he was mad. Stacey walked over and said, "What is wrong with Stripe?" Stripe hugged her and said, "I tried to save him, I... There were too many of them, they ripped him apart!" Stacey screamed, "Who Stripe, who?" Stripe put his hand to his forehead and said, "Gutz, a bunch of great Hammerheads tore him and Hamm to bits." Stacey was crying. Sarah couldn't believe this was happening. Onyx comes over to us and explains, "My father is a fool, the U.S.K. is behind this treachery." Sarah asks, "The U.S.K.?" Onyx explains more, "The Underground Shark Kingdom, King Coral was with our kingdom once upon a time ago, Coral was always jealous of the King, he wanted that power himself, so my mother who is now his Queen formed their Kingdom." All of a sudden the doors to the Kingdom burst open and a figure was tossed onto the floor. Sarah noticed one of them, it was that scary-looking shark she had seen talking to the King. Slice said, "I caught a damn shark, Onyx, and look who it is!" Onyx couldn't believe it, he said, Slice... You caught King Coral!"

Sarah swears King Namath must have overheard the conversation because he was present in a flash. Namath said, "Since you are full of amazement, stand up King Coral... Stand up now!" Sarah could tell the King was furious. King Coral pulled himself to his feet and looked at Namath, however, Namath had his blade out and ran up and gutted the Underground King with quickness, his guts were all over the ground before Onyx could even get to him, and Sarah knows Onyx tried. Onyx looked at his dad with disgust and said, "There goes our bargaining chip." King Namath screamed, "We will never make a deal with the underground Kingdom, ever!" And the King stormed out of the room.

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