Chapter 15

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"I'm glad you could stop by" she sat down as if she was at her own home.

"What do you want?" Clarissa gritted through her teeth, the only restraint she had that stopped her from pouncing forwards and ripping her head off was the spell that was cast. If she had tried to move, she felt a million needles stick into her.

"It struck me when I awoke in my true body that it's not Niklaus who made it their mission to kill me, or at least attempt" she began speaking "I know that they've sided with you... Vermin, but you are the true warmonger in this situation"

"You killed my brother, what was I supposed to do? Ignore it?" Clarissa had a strong argument but Dahlia didn't care about feelings or family.

"You were supposed to break Elijah, therefore breaking the Mikaelson's, I trusted you with one little thing to do, and instead you act like the injured puppy" Dahlia stood up in anger

"How would I break Elijah? If you've been watching me, he doesn't care for me one bit, if you wanted to break the Mikaelson family, please, target Hayley" Clarissa snapped

"Do not play dumb, I see everything, I see how Elijah looks at you and how he feels, I suspected he would be absolutely distraught to see the end of your relationship" she spoke fast, Clarissa could only just keep up with her

"What relationship?! Me and Elijah never had anything, only one moment before you murdered my brother, and then, he went off with someone else" Clarissa raised her voice, she needed her voice to be heard

"Yes but haven't you seen how he kissed you then, how he kept you from killing that wolf that you used against me, he visited you and he cared for you; and if you hadn't had been so stupid to bring this war forward, he would have dropped everything for you; therefore the beginning of the Mikaelson family breakdown, but nothing's that easy" she raised her voice even higher.

Clarissa felt nauseous with fear as well as thinking about the actions Elijah took to care for her and attempt to keep her safe. Actions that she brushed off and went against ; rendering them useless.

"And then I thought" Dahlia broke of Clarissa's thoughts "maybe I can use those feelings once more, but now I'm going extreme" she spoke as if was a joke

"What the hell are you talking about?" Clarissa hissed at the witch that had now moved in a full circle around the room

"I will act in your petty war; me and my army will come for the child and your pack of wolves and vampires in two days, you will be there and Elijah will be there, and here comes the twist" she looked exhilarated "you have a choice, as you were the one to start this mess in the first place, in two days, either you will die, or Elijah will die"

Clarissa went to stand back, but couldn't. A gasp caught her and her heart felt like it had stopped. "You can't make me choose something like that?"

"Oh I can" she winked "and I'm making you choose right now, or I'll kill you both"


The next day, Elijah had spent the day checking on the vampires across the river before returning to the compound to gather his thoughts.

As he walked up the stairs. Clarissa caught his eye. she stormed out of Niklaus' room looking very... There was nothing that could describe how she looked, frightened, disgusted, sick, angry all of these emotions rolled into one.

Her arms wrapped around herself as she stormed out catching Elijah's shoulder. She stopped and looked at him with hurt filling her eyes before returning to her normal path without a word.

"Clarissa?" Elijah immediately pursued her and caught her by her forearm "What is the matter?" Elijah had a caring tone in his voice that highlighted his worry for her welfare. Obviously nothing was going right if she was storming out of his brothers room with an expression that Elijah had not seen within his 1,000 years of life.

"Dahlia's coming tomorrow, be ready" she said monotonously, she shrugged as well. With that, Clarissa took off again.

Elijah felt like calling out to her. Was this because he kissed her the other day? Was this all of his fault? Or was it something his brother had done, Elijah knew that if he wanted answers, the best shot he would get would be to confide in Niklaus. But then, he may not get them.

"Niklaus" Elijah raised his voice when he entered his brothers room

"What is with the shouting?" He emerged from a corner. From what Elijah could see, a small amount of blood stained the bottom of his sleeve, but he was unsure of who's blood it was.

"Why was Clarissa in here?" Elijah asked

"Other than crying on my shoulder about how her undying love for you only weakened her?" Niklaus joked as if both Clarissa's and Elijah's feelings were nothing to him

"Please, Niklaus I am not in the joking mood" Elijah was one step away from pinning his brother to the wall

"Unfortunately brother I have been vowed to silence by your wolf on the side, or was that Hayley?" Klaus trailed off for a bit "you'll find out tomorrow what she was up to"

"Since when have you kept secrets and promises?" Elijah wanted to try everything to pry the truth out of him

"Since I've been planning my own murder of Dahlia, keeping it from you ever since we have found out what kills our aunt" Klaus finally came out with it, he had his own plan all along, not honouring any one else but him.

Elijah stepped forward and pinned Klaus up against the wall. "If you know anything about Clarissa, or anything that can hurt her or put her in danger, I swear, I'll..."

"... Stake me?" Klaus laughed "well only I know the whereabouts of that"

"I was about to say, I'll make your life misery" Elijah whispered close to Niklaus' ear "if Clarissa gets hurt tomorrow, so help me, I'll make you wish you had told me" he released his grasp on his brother.

Niklaus gave a small cough as he hit the ground. he opened his mouth to speak but Elijah had already turned and left.

Only Klaus and Clarissa knew what was going to happen tomorrow. And for Elijah's sake, they needed to keep it a secret. With tonnes of regret, this decision was final and Niklaus had no argue meant for what Clarissa had planned.

Second best (An Elijah Mikaelson Love Story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora