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We've been here in the hospital for a while now; almost 4 hours. The kids have called many times. Some of Keyara's old friends from our childhood heard about it and they showed up. My best friend, Jocelyn, and her sister, Errion, came here once they heard about it. I couldn't really speak much because I was trying to hold in my tears. That's just the way that I am. I don't like to cry in front of people; I would rather hold everything in. I probably would go to August, my sisters or Chandra, but that's it.

"She'll be okay, Kae. KeKe is strong and she'll pull through." Jocelyn comforted me rubbing my back. I just stared at the ground. The same way I've been for 4 hours straight.

"She got this, best friend. I promise." I couldn't hold back anymore. I had to let it out. I don't care who's around to see. I couldn't hold it anymore. Partially, what Jocelyn was saying was true, but what if she can't pull through? What if she doesn't make I.T? That's my sister and my best friend in there on an operating table. August walked in and pulled me in his lap when he saw me crying.

"Baby, she's gonna pull through. You know how strong she is." August rocked me. Then I snapped causing the few in the lobby to look over.

"Stop saying that. Keyara wasn't strong. Do you know how many times I've had to stop her from killing herself? Keyara is fucking suicidal and she has been for a long ass time. Nobody knew but me. Now, what if she doesn't want to pull through? What if she wants this to be the end? You don't know what the fuck that girl is thinking right now so just stop." After my little.. spazzing session, I got up and left out. Wanting to be alone , but Kas followed behind.

"Woah, Kae. Stop." she grabbed my arm.

I turned around attempting to yell. Keep calm , Kae. "Don't fucking touch me, Kastyn."

"No. Stop. What was all that about? Why do you have an attitude?" Does she not get it ?

"Bitch, my fucking best friend is in there fighting for her damn life and I don't even know what the hell happened to her! Why wouldn't I have an attitude?" I yelled angrily.

"She was everybody else's sister, also. "

I stroked my hair in frustration. "She was more than just my sister, Kastyn. She was all I had. Nobody was ever there for me like Keyara was. That girl has done everything for me. No matter how much we fight and argue I can't lose her. If I lose her , I'll lose myself. Just leave me alone." I walked away to a bench nearby.

"Is that how you really feel?" she asked sitting behind.

"Yes. " I sighed.

She hugged me. "Why didn't you say something ?"

"Don't make this about me right now." I straight faced her.

She laughed a little. "Sorry. Can we go in now ? Its cold out here."

"Sure." I wiped my tears away. Good thing I didn't wear makeup today. "Let's go."

Sometimes, Kastyn was good for something. She could give really good advice and make you feel a lot better than before. When we walked in the doctor was giving information about Keyara.

"Keyara broke many parts of her bones and I'm afraid she isn't in good condition at all. She'll have to stay here for a while until she can move and breathe on her own." she read going over the documents on her clipboard.

I just stared at the ground. I couldn't even be happy that she was alive. She still isn't the same.

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