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We just arrived at the competition venue. The ride was 10 hours. Even though the big girls aren't performing, they still came for support. When we got off all you could see was blue and gold letting you know the Golden Diamonds have arrived. We walked into our dressing room and got ready, even some parents. As we got closer to competition time, I could tell Seattle was getting more and more nervous. I pulled her to the side helping her stretch and also giving her a pep talk.

"You nervous?" I asked her helping stretch out her right leg.

"Yea, a little." she answered.

"Why?" I frowned alternating to her left leg.

"Because, you know, leading stands is a big job. I just feel a lot of pressure on me. Like I have to throw the right stands at the right time and if I don't it'll cost us the competition." she sighed and switched to her middle split.

"Don't put to much pressure on yourself. I understand that you want to win , but you also should just have fun." I responded.

"Okay." she said nodding and standing up. She hugged me before her coach , Miss Latrice called them.

"Circle up." she yelled. Everybody gathered around in a circle and locked hands.

"Bow your heads and close your eyes." she demanded and everyone did as told.

"Father, we come to You today asking that You give us the strength that every dancer should have on the floor. I ask that You remove the fear in Seattle and give her the hope and faith to lead stands. I ask that You give us the moves, strength, confidence, and sassiness of a dancer. In the name of Jesus we pray, Amen." she said all in one breath because we didn't have much time left.

"Amen." everyone said in sync letting go of one another and hurrying to get whatever it was that they needed.

"GD." Miss Latrice yelled for us to repeat.

"GD." we yelled getting ready to exit the room.

"Let's go. Girls line up. Seattle , Kennedy , Mychal , Jahkiyla , then everybody fall behind. Hurry." Latrice yelled loud enough for other teams to hear. The girls did as told and it seemed as if on cue the emcee started.

"And the moment we've all been waiting for, stand battle." he yelled and the crowd went crazy. The other moms and I made our way to our section of the bleachers.



My heart is pounding. I know what Auntie Kae said, but it didn't last my nerves long enough. At least I know my girls got me. When we walked on the floor, we got in our formation.


Kennedy     Mychal     Jahkiyla

Gabriella     Rhiana

Gianna     Kayla     Destini     Leilah

Karrington     Dior     Alexis

When I threw that stand, I put all my stress and anger into it to be a harder dancer.



I was watching my baby perform. She transformed to a whole other person. When she dances, she's fierce and thuggish, but in general, she's sweet and quiet. The other team was thrown off a little by the stand mainly intended for them. Then stands were over and they left the floor to get ready for awards. I didn't go back there because I didn't want to jinx anything. Neither did the other GDP (Golden Diamond Parents). I saw this cute little girl. She was so small. Maybe the size of Brooklyn, who has actually been sleeping throughout the whole competition. She's sick and Jamal is with his friend back in Miami. They announced that it would be a twenty minute intermission, so I went to the consession stand and bought stuff for Seattle, Brooklyn, and I. As soon as I sat down, the little girl came to me. I smiled to her, then, who I'm guessing is her dad, came over and grabbed her .

"You can't be going up to people like that, Poodie. Excuse me, I'm sorry." he said in a strong NOLA accent before picking up the small child.

"No, it's fine." I assured him with a warm smile.

"What's your name, ma ?" he asked with a smirk plastered on his face. Is he flirting with me? No , he can't be. It was just a huge smirk.

"Kaelyn, you ?" I asked him with the same smile. Why am I acting like I don't know who this is?

"August. Your daughter a dancer or something?" he answered, then questioned.

"No, my niece. This is my daughter. You?" I said gesturing towards Brook.

"Nah. My nieces wanted to watch and I have custody over my daughter so here we are." he said chuckling a bit.

"That's nice." I said with a smile. I was being serious; I️ think it's nice that he does things with his nieces.

"It would be nicer for you to give me your number." he said licking his lips in a flirtatious way. He's definitely flirting.

"Give me your phone." I laughed and he gave it to me. I feel like groupie. I just met him and he already has my number. Probably won't even use it.

"I don't live here in Atlanta. I live in Miami." I said giving him his phone back.

"Aight. I come there often, anyway." he said. I'm aware.

"Okay." I nervously giggled.

"See you later, ma." he said licking his lips.

"Bye." I said.

"Uncle August, c'mon. It's starting!" one of his nieces said.

"Yeah!" another said jumping up and down. I laughed at how cute they were and turned around.

"Girl , don't act like you don't want that sexy stick of caramel." Aria said to me. I just laughed. The moms were cool. I only had problems with Latrice's bitch ass. Anyway, he was cute and his accent was life. As of now I could only see us being friends not dating or anything. Especially, when we live so far.



It's time for awards. The whole team, including the big girls, is sitting on the floor. All of the teams were just listening to the announcer go on and on about something irrelevant. I started listening when they said stand battle.

"And the first place winner of the Buck or Go Home stand battle is," the announcer man started "the Baby Golden Diamonds."

When he said that, all of us starting screaming and jumping around. The whole crowd cheered us on.

"Thank you." I smiled grabbing the trophy and walked back.

When we walked into the dressing room everybody was cheering and dancing for us. We had only a couple of minutes to get our stuff together and leave.

"Hey , girls , y'all did an outstanding job. Don't think because you won one battle you'll win all of them. There are more to come." Miss Latrice said and I saw the moms roll their eyes. Why can't we have our moment ?

"Miss Latrice, can we get some food?" I asked causing the moms to laugh. We left and got McDonald's.

Ghetto | August Alsina & India Westbrooks |Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora