223: Leave Behind

Start from the beginning

"Oz?" Qrow and Theo said.

Glynda shoved her glasses up and stared.

Everyone stared.

It was Ozma. They all knew what he looked like now.

He wasn't quite the same though. He looked at least 15 years older than when he'd died. He had a few grey streaks in his hair, probably from strain, and he looked a bit more worn in his expression, and yet it wasn't at all as if he was depressed.

He just stared at himself in bewilderment.

"What is this?" Cinder asked.

Glowing energy flew up from Ozma and Oscar both and then flew towards the gods and disappeared into both of them.

"The magic just left," Shine noted. "Whoa... I did not see this one coming. Ozma? I believe He just restored your entire life."

"Well, you never know what the Big Guy is going to do," Wally said. "This is very cool, I think."

"I feel strange..." Ozma said. "And yet..." He looked at the Maidens.

"Oh, yes, better not give that a chance," Shine said. "Sorry, Salem, you'd have to wait minute."

She made no response--she was too busy gawking.

"Girls," Shine called.

They all rushed forward, even Vara, who had to be helped by Theo, and Qrow, who had to come anyway.

"Who's first?" Shine said.

Cinder stepped forward.

"Just make it official," she said, holding out a hand.

"This is so weird," Emerald muttered.

The DJs put their swords on Cinder's shoulders and repeated the same words as before, almost.

The magic rose up over her head, swirling like the magic power always did.

The marking on her back--only hers was ever exposed enough to see--vanished.

Her eyes blazed up and then went out.

The magic swirled up and then went to the dark brother, where it was absorbed.

He looked perturbed.

Cinder gasped and stumbled a little, but Shine helped her stand.

"How do you feel?" Raven asked.

Cinder rubbed her chest. "Fine." She looked around. "Normal... I guess."

"Normal knees!" Ruby cheered, making Yang snort with laughter, and Weiss and Blake rolled their eyes.

Oscar had finally put together what was happening, and his eyes were huge, but he seemed too overwhelmed to speak.

He had his staff again, though, and he gripped it tightly.

"All right, I'm ready." Raven held out her hands.

"Good on you," Wally said. "Let's do this."

So they did.

Magic swirled upward, and feathers burst out of nowhere, then it was also gone into the god the same as before, and Raven put her hands to her face and felt it.

"Somehow, it's almost like being lighter..." she mused.

"All right, hurry up before I faint," Vara said.

They released her.

As the magic went up and left, Vara's eyes seemed to clear of the shadow of pain she'd always had in them as long as any of them had known her.

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