Chapter 2 - The Gift Of A Friend

Bắt đầu từ đầu

"It's gorgeous Emily, you're very lucky. I wish you all the best anyway." He handed it back to her and checked his watch. "I better get going if you don't mind?"

"No, of course I don't! Thank you for even taking the time out to help bring all this up for me." She gestured at the mountain of gifts that were around the room.

"It's no problem. If you need anything, anything at all. Just come and knock on my door."

"Thank you Bryce. That means a lot. I need to get ready myself anyway. I've got a dinner to go to."

"Oh nice. Where are you going?"

"No idea." She laughed, "Shannon's brother Jared is in town. He surprised me by showing up to my surprise babyshower."

"Jared Leto?"

"The one and only." She sighed. "His mother Constence is here too. She came along with him."

"Good. Bad?" Bryce questioned, making his way back to her front door.

"Good. I think. I only met her briefly earlier, but she seems a lovely woman, very friendly and forgiving. She brought along a lovely cake for me."

"Oh, well good luck. We should catch up sometime, properly. If you'd like to that is."

"Sure. That would be nice, Bryce." She smiled and gave him a hug which he returned before leaving.


**At The Resturant Later**

"So Shannon told me that you lived in Louisiana for sometime. What was it like there? That's once place I've always wanted to go to." Emily was sat in an upmarket restaurant in Anchorage with both Constence and Jared.

Jared had requested a secluded booth as he really wasn't wanting the attention right now, although,  inevitably the odd Pap would be sniffing around.

"Yeah, Shan and I were born in Bossier City and we lived there for our earlier years, didn't we Mum?"

Constence turned and smiled at her son.

"We did. We lived with my parents. My father was in the airforce, we unfortunately moved around a lot, but for the first eight years or so of Jay and Shan's lives we lived in the South. My maiden name has Cajun origins."

"That's so interesting. I don't really know much about my family. I'm an only child. Mum died when I was young, my Dad's an alcoholic. I-I don't really have any contact with him anymore. But my surname, Kapinski, it has Russian origins, no surprises there." She laughed and sipped at her water.

It was then that she felt a hand on her leg from under the table and coughed, choking slightly on her mouthful of water. She flickered her gaze discreetly to the side and caught Jared looking at her.

"Are you OK, Emily? Do you need a pat on the back?" Constence asked her, concerned, seemingly completely unaware as to what was unfurling, when she saw Emily choking on her water.

"No. No I'm fine. Thankyou." She replied dabbing at her eyes with her napkin. "I'm just going to the bathroom. Excuse me." Emily lightly pushed Jared's hand from her thigh before pushing her seat out from under the table.

"Here, Em...let me help you." Jared offered, getting up out of his seat and helping to pull out her seat for her. "Can you manage, or would you like my help walking you?"

"Erm..." She managed to stand up.

"Jared, help Emily to the bathroom." Constence told her younger son.

"It's fine. Thanks. I can manage."

"Emily, let him help you. I know what it's like."

"Ok. Sure." Emily smiled at Constence.

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