"Is anyone else home with you?"

"No, I'm all by myself." Ellie started to sob, but quickly placed a hand over her mouth.

"Who all lives with you?"

"My mom kicked me out so I was living with Daniel, Amanda, Sam, and Anthony LaRusso. But my mom, my stepdad, and my twin brother live here." Ellie quivered, praying that maybe the boys were held up in traffic. Her dad would hurt them if they magically showed up, and Ellie couldn't live with that.

"Where are they now?"

"My moms with her friends, my stepdad's at work, and my brothers at the store with our friend and my boyfriend. You have to get here before they do, they're supposed to come back home and he'll shoot them if they surprise him." Ellie could hear the clicking of the lady's keyboard, she typed faster than she'd ever heard before.

"What's your name, sweetheart?"

"Eloise Mayana Moskowitz, but I go by Ellie." Ellie gulped. "My mom's name is Diane Lanely, my step dad's name is Aaron Lanely, my brother's name is Eli Moskowitz, and my dad's name is Ethan Moskowitz." Ellie prayed that she'd hear police sirens soon, that she wouldn't hear her father's footsteps going up the stairs.

"And who all is coming home from the store? Names please, Ellie, can you do that for me?"

"My brother, Miguel Diaz, and Robby Keene are supposed to be coming back from the store. Miguel's my best friend and Robby's my boyfriend." Ellie squeezed her eyes shut, telling herself to calm down, that nothing bad was going to happen.

"It's okay, police are on their way."

"I don't wanna die." Ellie sobbed, her shoulders shaking. She wanted Robby, she needed Robby.

"You're not gonna die."

"I want Robby." Ellie felt like a little girl again, wishing for someone to save her, but this time the hero was Robby. "I want Eli." She cried, her heart pumping even harder as she heard footsteps coming up the stairs. "He's coming up the stairs." She whispered she wasn't going to make it. She didn't even hear sirens in the distance, they were nowhere near to save her.

"Okay, just stay calm."

"If I do die, will you tell everyone how much I love them? I-I love Eli, he's my best friend, Miguel's second only to him. I love Robby too, I love him so much. He saved me, he made my life a million times better. I love Mr. LaRusso and Mr. Lawrence for being the dads I needed and I love Mrs. LaRusso for being the mom I needed. I love Kenny for being the little brother I never had or knew I needed. I love Tory for being like the sister I needed. I love them all, I don't wanna die, I can't leave them all here. I don't wanna be alone." Ellie cried, even as she heard the door crack open to her mother's bedroom.

"Ellie you're not gonna die, okay?" She couldn't respond, she pressed her hand harshly against her mouth. She could see her dad's figure through the slats of wood in the closet. She pressed her eyes tightly closed as he approached the closet, and then she heard a loud bang, and the space above her hip felt as if it were vibrating.

"Ellie!" Her dad pulled her up, she could see blood pooling from the spot that felt as if it were vibrating onto her shirt. She'd dropped her phone, ready to do whatever her dad ordered so she could live. "I didn't mean to shoot you, you scared me." He brushed her hair behind her ears, she wanted to pull away and run but she stood still. She told herself to act as if she loved him and maybe he'd let her go.

"Who are you looking for," She gulped, "Dad?" She asked, her eyes wide with fear.

"Your brother and your mom. I'd never hurt you." She bit her tongue, he'd hurt her many times before even now.

"I know." She lied, nodding slightly. "I'm sorry I was so mad at you the other day, I missed you and y-you left me." She felt his grip loosen slightly, he was relaxing.

"I'm sorry I left you, sweetheart, your mother made me." This was her chance, the sirens sounded about a block away. She kicked him in the chest and ran down the steps, but she knew she was slower than usual. She wished she was faster, all she had to do was get through the door.


Ellie fell, her chest vibrating and hurting more than anything but all she could think about was Robby. How she wasn't ready to leave him, how she hadn't told him everything she'd ever wanted to. She wasn't ready.


Hawk, Robby, Miguel, Johnny, Daniel, Amanda, Carmen, Tory, Diane, Aaron, and Kenny all sat in a room. A room they'd been given just for them. Sometimes it was quiet, sometimes it was filled with crying, sometimes it was filled with the tapping of Daniel's anxious foot. They'd all been introduced to Ellie's doctor, Dr. Howard, and Robby didn't know if he wanted to see him or not.

He would deliver the news of Ellie's surgery. Whether it was good or bad, it would still be him. No, he told himself, there's going to be no bad. Ellie was gonna be alright, she was always alright, and Robby would never leave her side ever again.

But then they heard the door open, and in came Dr. Howard. Everyone in the room stood, Robby felt his heart begin to race as he looked at the man in front of him. Please, he begged, let her be alive and okay.

"I'm sorry," No, this was a prank, surely he was joking, "but Ellie didn't make it through the surgery." Was Robby imagining things? He had to have been. He dropped to his knees, holding his face in his hands as he cried.

Not Ellie, they couldn't take Ellie. Ellie was all he had, all he needed, all he wanted. Take him, and let Ellie live. He couldn't live without her, he wouldn't live without her. He sobbed, loudly, without a care in the world. He wanted to see Ellie, to hug her, to kiss her, to tell her everything would be alright, that they'd grow old together and do whatever she desired.

"I'm sorry for your loss." Dr. Howard apologized before leaving the room. Robby felt out of breath like he'd been kicked in the chest. He's been by her side just hours ago, he'd kissed her and told her he loved her. He'd touched her hair and told her goodbye.

This wasn't real. It couldn't be real.
A/n: I'm not kidding, I'm crying rn. I love Ellie and will forever miss her </3
Word Count:1,798

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