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•~3rd person P.O.V~•
"You're not wanted here," Sam said through gritted teeth. Ellie rolled her eyes. She found it funny that Sam still thought what she said actually hurt people. She was all bark and no bite.

"I'm not even here for training, I'm just here to talk to Mr. LaRusso." Sam folded her arms, trying to come up with a stupid remark and failing.

Ellie walked inside the same room she'd punched Eli in, trying to gain enough confidence to face Daniel again. She never thought she'd be a Miyagi Do, but here she was.

"Mr. LaRusso? Can I talk to you about like...two things?" Daniel turned around, nodding. He knew that the way she twisted her fingers meant she was nervous, but he didn't know what she was nervous about.

"I wanted to tell you that I won't be here for today's training, I have a couple of things to...clear up." Daniel slowly crossed his arms and nodded as he waited for her to continue. "And my mom never signed the form for me to be in the All Valley so I can't fight for you," Ellie admitted, squeezing her eyes closed. She waited for Daniel to yell at her, to tell her to get out and that he didn't need her in Miyagi Do if she couldn't participate in the All Valley.

"That's okay, that's great actually. You could walk around and see what tricks they have up their sleeves, make sure they play by the rules." Ellie slowly opened her eyes, a smile following after.

"I can do that."


She told herself that she would never walk into the Cobra Kai dojo ever again, but she had to. She had to tell Terry and Kreese that she wasn't a Cobra anymore. That she wanted nothing to do with them and what their students did was wrong. When she walked inside she saw small buckets of soapy water, small splatters of blood still sticking to the walls and the mats. Luckily, she was there before any students, so there would be no interruptions.

"Ms. Moskowitz-" Kreese started.

"I would say I'm sorry for the mess, but I'd be lying and I hate lying." Ellie interrupted. "I'm not in Cobra Kai anymore, I'm not going to be in the All Valley, and I want nothing to do with you or your Cobra gang." Terry furrowed his eyebrows, looking at the small girl in front of him.

"You were the one that splashed this place with blood?" Ellie nodded. "Huh." He chuckled slightly, surprised.

"What about Mr. Keene?" Kreese asked, gripping the belt on his gi.

"Me and Robby aren't together anymore." She hated saying it, but it was a bittersweet truth.

The next thing she had to do would definitely be harder than the first. She had to go to the hotel and get her things. The LaRusso's were letting Ellie stay in the room Robby used to stay in, she just needed to collect her things and leave. However, she knew that since Robby wasn't at the dojo, he must've been at the hotel.

And she was right.

She slid her keycard into the door before pulling it open and closing the door behind her. Robby shot up from his place on the bed, half expecting an intruder and half hoping it was Ellie.

"Ellie-" She held up her hand, telling him to stop talking. If she even thought about talking to him, she'd yell, she'd crumble, she'd tell him how terrible he made Eli feel and he'd laugh and call Eli pathetic.

Robby watched as she grabbed various articles of clothing. Then her body wash, her perfume, her lotion, her makeup, her backpack, her charger, and her headphones. Everything that was her's, everything that indicated that Ellie was there, she took.

"Ellie, please, I just wanna talk." He saw Ellie's jaw clench, her eyebrows quirking up for just a moment. She was ignoring him, giving him the silent treatment. He hated it, he hated being ignored.

She left without speaking a word to him. He was hoping she'd break down, yell at him, scream at him until her throat was sore, but she did none of that. There was no hope, and Robby knew it.


"I...I can't believe you did that." Eli stuttered, his computer game abandoned on his lap. Ellie shrugged. She'd gotten a text from Demetri saying Eli quit karate and wasn't doing the All Valley. Ellie hated admitting that she was sorta mad at him for that decision. She understood, but she wanted to do the All Valley. At least a part of her did, but she couldn't because her mother would never allow her. Eli was blowing his chance.

"It wasn't that big of a deal," Ellie mumbled. "But Eli, I wanna do the All Valley. It'll be my first time showing everyone I'm not some dumb blonde who has to have her brother or her boyfriend defend her, but I can't and you can! You could show all of the Cobra's that you can't be messed with, you just gotta have a little faith in yourself." Ellie squeezed Eli's shoulder, the way his eyes fell to the ground told her that he was thinking about what she had said.

Really thinking about it.


"Mr. LaRusso-" She stopped. She hadn't been entirely sure why Daniel stopped at this particular gas station but she didn't ask. He told her to stay in the car, so she did that. But now she understood, as she looked between Daniel and Robby.

"Wow, this is real low, even for you," Robby said to Daniel, Ellie scoffed, poking her tongue into her cheek. "Bringing Ellie here to guilt me into-"

"I'm here with Mr. LaRusso because I live with him and he was driving back to his house after picking me up from Eli's house. I'm not here to guilt you." Robby's face grew red with embarrassment as she turned to Daniel. "Mrs. LaRusso called, just thought I'd let you know." Ellie turned to leave, but suddenly she wanted to talk to Robby. Or talk at him. "And even if you were to magically decided to go back to Miyagi Do, I still wouldn't forgive you. I will never forgive you, Robby, and it's even worse that you seem to think that you did nothing wrong." Ellie turned on her heel, and left, returning back to the passenger seat of Daniel's car.

The drive back to the LaRusso home was quiet. Ellie stared at trees whizzing by, houses, birds, and animals. Trying to distract her mind, but she couldn't. Part of her hated herself for breaking up with Robby because of Eli. She, again, went out of her happiness to make Eli happy. But that was all she knew. She had to ask herself, even if that part wasn't inside of her, would she still have been with Robby after what he'd done?

No, she wouldn't have. She couldn't have.

Ellie finally understood how Moon felt last year when she broke up with Eli because he beat up Demetri at the mall. She used to be mad at her, for breaking her brother's heart, for not hearing him out.

"Did you mean what you said to Robby in there?" Daniel asked suddenly, turning to a different road.

"Unless Eli forgives him, then yeah, I did." Ellie knew Eli would never forgive Robby, so there was no chance that Ellie could ever forgive him either. She loved Robby, or she used to, and it hurt more than anything to not be with him. It hurt more than any beating she'd gotten from her dad, or any insult her mom had thrown at her.


Ellie watched as Sam walked up to Tory, saying some crap about her being in control and that she'd kick Tory's ass for a third time. Then she turned around and joined the Miyagi Do's. Ellie felt her face curl in disgust.

"What?" Sam asked, cocking her head to the side and folding her arms.

"Nothing, I just didn't know this was Disney channel." Eli snickered, quickly clamping his hand over his mouth. Ellie knew she was supposed to be on Miyagi Do's side, but that crappy remark made her wanna quit karate forever. "I'm sorry but that was really embarrassing." Ellie chuckled, Sam rolling her eyes. Ellie knew she'd stay in Miyagi Do, but Sam was really testing Ellie's limits.
A/n: y'all I'm sorry but that last scene was giving Disney channel, and that one Ginny and Georgia scene, NOT badass😭
Word Count:1,434

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