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•~3rd person P.O.V~•
"I just don't think I'm getting any better. When you and Miguel started doing karate you guys got so confident, but I don't feel any different." Ellie frowned. She had to admit, she didn't want the confidence Eli had gained. The confidence that made him mean and rude. Instead, maybe Miguel's confidence. The confidence that made him strong, but he was still kind.

"Maybe you need to take some notes from Sensei Kreese or something, I dunno what to tell you." That was the thing, she wanted someone to just tell her. To just tell her how confidence worked and how it came to them so easily after joining Cobra Kai.

"Class. You worked hard today. So before you're dismissed, I have a little treat for ya. I wanna introduce you to a friend of mine." Ellie's eyes grew wide with excitement as she saw Kreese holding a small white mouse in his hands.



"What's its name?" Bert asked, the group of Cobra's drawing closer to Kreese to try and get a better look at the mouse.

"I don't know. What should it be?" He asked, stroking its fur as he looked at the group. Ellie felt uneasy as she looked Kreese in the eyes as if she could tell he had some idea of ill intent.

"Hawk Junior." The room fell silent, everyone seemed to be thinking the same thing. No way in hell were they gonna name the poor house after him.

"Bert, what do you think?" Kreese asked, his eyes seeming to narrow as he looked at Bert.

"Um...Clarence?" He suggested, his voice high with uncertainty.

"Clarence. Good. Here, take him." Bert smiled, instantly taking the mouse from Kreese's hands.

"He's so cute, guys." The Cobra's snickered, but Ellie thought it was sweet. Although, the Cobra's thought it was embarrassing and childish.

"It's almost lunchtime," Kreese announced, his arms folded and eyes glistening. Ellie still felt queasy, like something bad was going to happen and Kreese would be behind it. Her eyes flickered from Kreese, who'd glance at her every now and then, to Bert. She wanted to know what Kreese was planning.

"Ooh, can I feed him?" Bert asked excitedly, a smile brightening his face.

"No. But you can feed him." Kreese pulled a sheet next to him, revealing, what Ellie expect to be, a cobra snake.

"Uh...what does he like to eat?" Ellie could hear Bert gulp, everyone's mood visibly shifting as they looked between the snake and the small, weak mouse in Burt's hands. The mouse seemed to tremble with fear as it looked at the snake, thrashing and trying to loosen Bert's grip.

"He likes to eat...Clarence. It's okay. Come on. Come on. C'mon. There you go." Bert started to lower the mouse into the cage but stopped. His wide, frightened eyes looked up at Kreese.

"I can't."

"It's okay. I understand. Clarence is your friend. It's okay to object. Who else objects?" A few people in the room raised their hands, but Ellie didn't. Sure, the mouse was cute, but there were tons of mice getting eaten by other snakes around the world. It was the circle of life, it was a fact. "You're off the team. Get out!" Ellie's mouth fell open, looking at everyone who slowly lowered their hands whilst looking at each other in panic.

"But-" Bert started to say but was quickly cut off by Kreese.

"I said out! Get!" Kreese then dropped the mouse into the cage as people filed out, leaving only a few others inside. Ellie looked up at Eli, he looked as shocked as everyone else.


Ellie drew in a sharp breath as she brought up her fist and knocked on the door in front of her. She could hear muffled voices inside and people walking around. Then, the door swung open, revealing a seemingly stressed Tory.

"Ellie?" Ellie gave Tory a quick nod as if she were confirming it was her. "Why are you here?" Tory cleared her throat. "Sorry, that was rude, I just...I thought you'd hate me after the fight." Ellie quickly shook her head, folding her arms across her chest.

"I can't hate any in the situation, everyone was in the right and everyone was in the wrong, ya know?" Tory didn't quite understand, but she figured since she was in the situation she could only see her own perspective. While Ellie could see everyone's perspectives. "I heard from Mr. Kreese that you were having money problems and, before you say no, I'd like to help. I'm not doing this out of sympathy, I'm doing it because I love you and you're like a sister to me. I don't wanna see you upset or see you struggle so please," Ellie pulled out a wad of cash from her pocket, "let me help." Tory's eyes seemed to soften as she took the cash softly from Ellie's hands.

"I didn't know you had a job, I thought you were rich." Ellie chuckled.

"I babysit for a really rich family, richer than the LaRusso's, plus I sometimes get an allowance. Depends on what mood mom's in." Tory glanced back at her mom in the room not too far away from her.

"Thank you, Ellie, you really didn't have to." Ellie shrugged.

"If you need anything else, please tell me. Groceries, money, a person to talk to, I don't care just tell me, please." Tory nodded, but she knew she wouldn't.


Ellie had never spoken to Robby's mom, Shannon, and she wasn't sure how she'd gotten Ellie's number until she told her the reason she was calling. Ellie was at the rehab in a matter of seconds, pushing through people and gates. Ellie saw Robby and then she saw Daniel.

"Ellie." Robby sighed, a small smile forming on his lips. They hadn't exactly confirmed if they were dating, but Robby liked to think so. As did Ellie. However, Robby told himself that Ellie deserved better than just a "will you be my girlfriend?" no, she deserved a candle-lit dinner and then he'd ask that question.

"Robby." Daniel looked between the two as Ellie quickly walked towards him, and then suddenly everything about the stolen car made sense. According to the GPS, Robby was driving to multiple places and then go to the same place every day at twelve o'clock. The place must've been Ellie's house.

"Listen...Robby, this next part is gonna be really, really hard, okay? But this is the best way forward. I spoke to a lawyer and he explained that it's-" Robby interrupted.

"What did you do?" Ellie looked up, hearing a police walkie-talkie. Her eyes widened as she backed away from them and looked at Daniel, who stood with Robby.

"Told them you'd turn yourself in. The sentence will be much lighter." Robby scoffed, his eyes looking around for a place to escape. Ellie felt her heart in her throat, police made her nervous.

"No, I can't!" Robby shouted, looking at Ellie who cowered in fear.

"You can. You have to." Daniel pleaded.

"You kept me talking so I didn't leave." Robby retired, his voice dripping with venom.

"No, I was trying to help you," Daniel said, trying to get Robby to calm down. "Hey. Hey! Easy with him!" Daniel yelled as Robby tried, unsuccessfully, to run away. "Robby, this is only temporary. I will get you through this, okay? I will visit you every day, I promise." Daniel whispered, practically begging Robby for forgiveness.

"Don't bother," Robby muttered beneath his breath, as his eyes latched onto Ellie. "It'll be okay, I'll call you," Robby said to her, as the policemen shoved him. Ellie nodded, fidgeting with her fingers. Daniel huffed as they pulled Robby away, out of sight.

"How could you do that?!" Ellie shouted as she shoved Daniel, causing him to stumble backward. He had to blink for a second, he was stunned. "How could you do that to him?!" Daniel tried to place his hands on her shoulders, but she quickly pushed them away. Daniel quickly realized it to be a Cobra Kai move.

"Ellie, listen-"

"No! No!" Ellie's eyes watered as she gulped. "No, I will never figure you Mr. LaRusso!" She quickly ran away. She knew this day would come, but she wanted it to be on Robby's terms. Not Daniel's.
A/n: y'all for some reason whenever I post an edit on TikTok, it says "video being processed" for like two hours. I always post at 7:00 because, according to tiktok analytics, that's when my followers are most active. So by 9:00, none of my followers see it so I get fewer views/likes/comments. But ig it doesn't really matter because I think I'm shadow banned because I'm not getting a lot of likes. Like it went from 116 to 34 so.
Word Count:1,485

𝐈𝐌𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐁𝐋𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄, Robby KeeneWhere stories live. Discover now