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•~3rd person P.O.V~•
"But we didn't get to watch the movie I wanted to last time." Ellie frowned as Robby stroked her hair. They were picking out movies, again, and discussing who'd go and get snacks. Obviously, they left Ellie out of the snack-getting conversation.

"I already know the movie you're gonna choose." Hawk groaned, he'd gotten so tired of watching The Sandlot over the years. It made him wonder how Ellie still enjoyed it.

"No, you don't!" Hawk gave her a look that said, are you kidding me, before returning back to the movie bucket.

"Really? You were gonna choose The Sandlot and I'm tired of watching that." Ellie felt her cheeks grow hot, he was right but he didn't need to know that.

"No, I wasn't!" Robby sighed, rolling his eyes.

"Who cares if she chooses that movie again, we can just watch it again." Robby declared, wishing Ellie would ask him to braid her hair. He always pretended to hate it, but he loved it.

"You're only agreeing with her because you guys are dating," Hawk said, rolling his eyes. Robby shrugged.

"And because I've never seen it." Ellie quickly sat up, a look of surprise creasing her face.

"What?! Were you raised under a rock?!" Hawk snickered, they'd definitely have to watch it now.

"I don't even know where it is," Hawk added, trying his best to stand his ground, but no one won against Ellie. Even he knew that.

"Okay, you all go to the store and I'll stay here and look for it." Miguel, Robby, and Hawk all glanced at each other and then at Ellie.

"Are you sure? I know you hate being home alone." Robby said, brushing a string of hair off her shoulder.

"I'll be okay, go and I'll look for the movie." Robby gave Ellie a quick peck on the lips before leaving with Miguel and Hawk, all of them shouting goodbye and I love you over their shoulders.

Ellie thought, since The Sandlot was such a sacred movie to her maybe she'd hid it in her room. When she looked around, she didn't find it anywhere. Even though her mom hated when they went into her room, Ellie went inside and started to search through her drawers. When suddenly, her phone pinged.

Eli had set up camera's around the house to elevate Ellie's fears of the man coming back. If any motion or person was detected, it would send a ping to her phone and she could see the camera screen's on her phone screen. Most times it was birds or stray cats, but this time it was a person.

Her body went cold, staring at the person on the video. Her dad. What was he holding? She wished she hadn't noticed it, because she could tell he was angry. An angry person plus a gun never equaled anything good. He suddenly disappeared from the camera's view, but she quickly heard the sound of glass breaking when she realized he'd gone missing from sight.

The little girl inside of her flashed in her mind. Even if she had karate, that wouldn't help her against a gun. She quickly shuffled into the closet, closing the door before stuffing herself in the farthest, deepest corner. Her fingers were shaky as she pressed three numbers as quickly as possible.

"Hello, 911, what's your emergency?" The lady asked, beeping sounding from whatever computer was in front of her.

"I need help, my dad, he broke into my house and he has a gun. He's hurt me and my family before, and he looks mad." Ellie whispered, hearing rustling downstairs.

"Where are you right now?"

"I'm in my mom's closet upstairs, he's downstairs right now, I can hear him." Ellie felt her heartbeat in her throat, begging that he wouldn't find her and just leave.

𝐈𝐌𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐁𝐋𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄, Robby KeeneWhere stories live. Discover now