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•~3rd person P.O.V~•
Putting Robby up against Demetri seemed almost unfair. Demetri had been training for a fraction of the time that Robby had, how was that fair in any way? Of course, Robby won, although it was a close win.

After Demetri and Robby's fight, they had the fights to determine the girl's finalists. Which just so happened to be Tory and Sam. Finally, Ellie thought, they could settle it on the mat and get over what happened last summer.

Then they had the fight to determine which boy, Eli or Miguel, would go up against Robby. The time for Miguel to show up ran out, he never showed. Leaving Eli to go up against Robby. Eli looked up at Ellie, who sat in the very bottom row to be closer to the mat, he wouldn't just be getting revenge for him but for Ellie. Getting revenge for all the nights she cried, thinking Eli didn't know. For the love that she lost.

Robby scored the first point, because Eli was using Miyagi Do and Robby had been in Miyagi Do way longer than Eli. When Eli scored the next point, Ellie was able to realize Cobra Kai's moves. Daniel had listened to her.

As the two fought, Robby's shirt began to undo. Ellie felt her cheeks burn, feeling embarrassed that she was looking at his abs. Of course, she'd seen them before, but they always revoked a reaction out of her. Then suddenly, a buzzer sounded.

Ellie had read the rules and regulations book of the All Valley when Eli had entered his first All Valley. Then, she read them again after they updated a few things. The buzzer meant their timer was up, but Eli and Robby were tied. The rule book said if that situation happened, there would be a sudden death overtime match. Although it had only happened once, in 1985, until now.

As the two began to return to the mat from their Sensei's, Robby struggled to tie his gi back up. So, he tore it off. He walked to the edge of the mat and threw it to Ellie. Did she hate him? Yes. Did she catch it? Yes. Did her face probably look like a tomato because his abs that she adored were on display? Also yes. Did she still hate him? Again, yes.

Ellie watched their match intently. This match was for Eli. To gain back some of the confidence Robby had stolen from him. So when the referee announced Eli to be the winner, and the new boys All-Valley champion, Ellie shot up from her seat. She cheered, so loud she probably tore a vocal chord, and she clapped so hard that her hands were probably going to be red the next morning. She was proud of him. Eli was proud of himself too.


Ellie was walking around again, just like Daniel had told her to. There was a small break between each final fight so the audience could use the bathroom and get drinks or food.

But she stopped when she saw Terry Silver talking to the referee. The same referee that was calling points when people were out of bounds. She pulled out her phone, pressing record. Of course, she had the thought that Silver was bribing the ref but she had no proof. If she was right, she'd have proof and she could get them disqualified. This would leave Miyagi Do to be the winner of the All Valley, forcing Terry Silver and John Kreese to go away along with Cobra Kai.

She watched Silver hand a wad of cash to the referee and speaking quickly to him. She stopped recording, she had enough evidence. She needed to leave before Silver saw her. But as she was stuffing her phone into her back pocket, Silver looked up and saw Ellie through the windows of the office.

Her eyes grew wide, her heart already pumping quickly. Her mind froze. She was a quick thinker, she always had been, but now she was a frozen thinker. The only time something like this had happened before was when she came down the steps from her room and saw her Dad awake and not passed out as she had hoped.

Move! Move, Ellie, move!

She had always gone by, survive and then live. Survive until you could really live. But she wasn't surviving now. She couldn't survive if she was frozen. Suddenly something clicked, maybe it was because Silver ran at her, but she ran.

Her chest burned, her legs burned, everything burned. She could still hear Silver's clambering feet behind her, it was then that she saw the screening room. The room where they showed all of the winners of each match and who would go up against who in the next matches on a big screen. Ellie ran into it and slammed the door close. It didn't have a lock, all Ellie had was a chair to prop under the door handle.

She plugged in her phone, connected the same cord to the computer, and pressed play on the video. She knew that it would play over and over, including the sound, and get everyone's attention. It was then that the door flew open, the chair knocking Ellie down. Her hand slammed on a key, that broadcasted the security camera to another large screen above the mat.

Silver was quick to pounce on her as she stood, grabbing her throat with both hands. Her hands went to grip his wrists. Ellie realized that he was purposefully pressing on her pressure points, making her head tingle from lack of air.

"I thought you were a smart girl, that was what Kreese told me but he must've been wrong if you were stupid enough to try and expose me." Ellie laughed. Not a breathy laugh like she would've done, although that part was out of her hands. He looked at her, brows pulling together, looking like furry caterpillars. What were they called? Wooly Worms? Yes, Wooly Worms.

"Try me." Ellie quickly brought her knee up to his stomach, making him let go of her neck and drop to the floor. Ellie grabbed the stupid silver ponytail of his and slammed his head into the side of the desk. "You don't put up much of a fight." Ellie smiled, looking at Silver as he sucked in a breath through his gritted teeth. She brought her shoe to his throat, pressing down on it slowly. Silver's hands immediately went to push it off, only warranting her to press down harder. "Doesn't feel good, does it, Terry Silver?" She smiled, a chuckle leaving her lips. His face turned bright red, almost the same shade as the blood dripping from his lips.

Ellie was pulled from him by a security guard, while the other lifted Silver from the floor. Terry Silver had assaulted a minor, on video, he'd be thrown in jail much faster than her dad ever would.

Ellie smiled when she saw the Miyagi Do's cheering, being handed two other trophies. She'd gotten Cobra Kai disqualified, just like she planned, leaving Miyagi Do to be the winner of this year's All Valley. Which meant Cobra Kai would go away, with John Kreese and Terry Silver, forever.


Ellie went home with Eli to celebrate. They sat in the back of their mom's car, singing songs from 2018 like they were kids again. Eli had forced his mom to let Ellie come inside of their house and forced her to allow her in her car.

She'd listened, much to Ellie's surprise. They both climbed out from the back of the car, Eli grabbing their things, Ellie looked up. Her face immediately fell. She felt cold, burning cold. Her fingertips grazed her thighs, causing a shiver to run down her spine.

"Eli," He simply hummed in response but Ellie needed him to look, "Eli." She repeated, worry more apparent in her voice than before. He looked at Ellie and then looked at what she was looking at. He slammed the car door close, quick to stand in front of her.

A/n: 1-end of season 4🥳 2-season 5 will be my own season because Ellie solved all of our Cobra Kai problems (because she's just cool like that)
Word Count:1,405

𝐈𝐌𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐁𝐋𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄, Robby KeeneWhere stories live. Discover now