"You're effortlessly cute, Robby." Robby raised an eyebrow, shoving his hands into the pockets of his jacket.

"Cute?" He asked. "Pretty sure you didn't fuck me just for cute." Ellie's eyes grew wide as she smacked his arm. There was no one around them since they showed up later than the other Cobra's but it sounded so vile either way.

"Robby!" She shouted, in a correcting tone. "H-How do you just say that so nonchalantly?!" Robby laughed, the two nearing where the Cobra's told them to meet.

"It'd only be weird to say in front of your brother, but he's not here right now." Ellie felt heat rise to her cheeks, making her face glow bright red.

"Are you sure you can be civil around him? I mean...your gonna spend at least thirty minutes with him, and recently that's been enough for me to want to fight him." Robby chuckled. If he was being honest, he wasn't sure. Sometimes Hawk made him wanna break his probation agreements and other times it was easy to block him out. But after seeing the way he treated Ellie that morning, he felt his hatred for him growing.

He treated Ellie as if she was something for him to control. Nothing more but his sidekick or person he could always lean on. Robby knew that Ellie had done a lot of things for Eli, that she'd sacrificed more than he ever did for her, and a part of him felt bad to admit that Hawk's treatment towards her was partly her fault. But when he saw her, finally, taking up for herself made him feel more than proud. The next person she needed to stick up to was her mom.

"It'll be fine." He assured although she wasn't entirely convinced. Suddenly the two saw the group of Cobra's, Tory, Hawk, Kyler, and a couple of others.

"You two took your sweet ass time," Tory announced as the two finally appeared. Hawk rolled his eyes as he looked at Tory, he wasn't sure what they'd been waiting for but now it was clear.

"We were busy," Robby answered, lying through his teeth. They weren't really doing anything, just watching TV and they'd lost track of time.

"You invited him?" He asked her, annoyance apparent in his voice.

"I did. Got a problem with that?" Tory retorted.

"Here you go, Keene," Kyler said, handing Robby a beer. Robby looked the boy up and down, Ellie had told him that this boy was Kyler.

"Nah, I'm good." He replied.

"What, can't handle a sip of beer?" Hawk laughed, along with some of his followers. Ellie sighed, feeling Robby shift his stance beside her.

"I don't need to drink to pretend to be cool." He retorted. Eli scoffed, his tongue poking into his cheek.

"Yeah, that's funny." He said with a faux laugh. "What were you busy with anyways? Kicking someone else over a flight of stairs?" Ellie glared at Eli, although he was too busy staring at Robby to see.

"I was busy with your sister." Ellie's eyes grew wide, her cheeks growing bright red as she looked at the boy beside her.

"Robby!" She shouted, looking between him and her brother. "Nothing like that happened, I promise," Ellie assured, Eli had grown even angrier now as he stepped closer to Robby.

"You stay the hell away from Ellie." He spat bitterly through gritted teeth.

"I do what the hell I want, and if you don't stop with your controlling shit with Ellie then I'll beat your ass and end up in juvie again. I don't give a shit." Ellie quickly shoved Eli away from Robby, glancing at Tory for help. As much as Tory wanted to separate the two, it was beyond fun to watch.

"C'mon guys, we gotta get going." Tory urged them, the Cobra's quickly following Tory underneath of the gate. Ellie was about to do the same when Robby caught her arm.

"Why don't you stay out here?" Ellie furrowed her eyebrows, confused. "I dunno what they wanna do and I don't want you to get hurt or in trouble." Although Ellie loved that Robby was looking out for her, she wanted to help at least a little bit.

"I don't want you to get in trouble. They'll send you back to juvie and I don't think I can talk to you with police officers swarming the room again." Robby shook his head, placing both of his hands on Ellie's shoulders.

"I won't. I know what'll get me thrown back in juvie, and I'm gonna stay away from anything that will. I just want you to stay out here." Ellie sighed, a defiant look on her face as she looked at Robby. "Please, angel." God Ellie hated Robby sometimes. That name could make her do anything for him, and he knew it.

"Fine." She mumbled, folding her arms. She wasn't happy about staying outside while everyone else got to do fun shit inside of whatever place they were at, but she understood that Robby didn't want her in trouble or hurt. Robby kissed her forehead before hurriedly sliding underneath the gate and running off.

What was Ellie supposed to do now?


When all of the Cobra's appeared, each one of them looking angry and defeated, without Robby, Ellie began to feel worried. She didn't know what they were supposed to be getting or why, but seeing as Robby wasn't with them wasn't a good sign.

"What the hell, dumbass?" Eli yelled, shoving Kyler.

"At least I brought beer," Kyler smirked, but Eli was pissed.

"We failed the mission 'cause of you!" He shouted again, but Ellie was still confused. What had they failed? How had they failed?

"Who said we failed?" Robby smirked as he appeared from behind the group, holding a beige sack in his hand that began to hiss.

"No way!" Tory exclaimed.


"You got it? Unreal." Tory said in surprise. How had he gotten the snake without any tools?

"Let's see it." Robby opened the bag, Ellie looking into it hesitantly. "Hey, you the man, dog!" Kyler exclaimed happily, along with the other Cobra's.

"Here, you take it," Robby whispered as he handed the bag to Hawk. Hawk looked almost disgusted as if Robby took pity on him and was going to let him take all the credit for the snake.

"Why?" He asked, his voice filled with disgust and hatred.

"Ellie's afraid of snakes..." Robby said, looking Eli up and down. "I can't be around her with a snake in my hands. You know, I've known her for a fraction of the time you have and you don't seem to know shit about her." Eli gripped the bag, his knuckles turning white, as Robby walked away from them and to Ellie.

"You dumbass! That snake could've bitten you and you could've died! Cobra's are venomous ya know!" Ellie whisper-shouted, shoving him slightly.

"But it didn't, I'm fine." Ellie glared at him, she wasn't necessarily mad at him. She was glad he was safe but she was upset that he'd put himself in danger.

"It was still stupid."


The group stood in a line, Tory, Eli, Ellie, Robby, and Kyler, in front of Kreese. Ellie didn't think she deserved Kreese's praise, she hadn't done anything. She hadn't even known that they were stealing a snake.

"Well done. I'm impressed. You showed fearlessness, leadership. And those are the qualities you need to be a champion. Good job. You're what Cobra Kai has been looking for." Kreese smirked as he placed a hand on Robby's shoulder. "Do you see what you can accomplish when you work together? Alliances are important. For us and our enemy. Because you better believe that they are making alliances too." The group looked around at each other, confused.

"What alliances?" Tory asked.

"Oh, you didn't hear? Uh, Diaz and that LaRusso girl, yeah, they're working together. Yeah, they helped save the All Valley. They gave quite a speech. They make a pretty good team. Well, it's getting late. Dismissed." Robby was quick to join Ellie's side and urge her to leave, he knew that Kreese was trying to push the Cobra's to fight the others. He needed to find an excuse to tell Ellie so that she wouldn't join them.
A/n: guys, i have work tomorrow 😞
Word Count:2,045

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