Chapter 2 - The Fight

Start from the beginning

"Where is your precious king now, my dear?" purred the evil voice. "He cannot save you. He cannot stop me. Once I am free, I will turn this world into eternal winter and rule as I was created to do! And, now, for the blood..."

The tiny branches around her wrists grew tighter and tighter until they started cutting into her tender flesh. She screamed in pain and frustration. She could feel the blood starting to drip from her wrists. She could almost hear the blood drop as it hit the ground. The pressure eased and she tried to stay alert. By sheer force of will she kept herself from fainting. At least the Witch had not used the thorns to draw her blood. Maybe she didn't know about them and what they did to humans.

A strange thing was happening in front of her. Frosty looking mist was gathering from behind the thorny brush, swirling in the center of the grove. Then, a figure began to materialize. Tall with white, unearthly skin, in a dress that looked to be made of white fur, wild hair bushing out from her head, the witch turned around to look at her. Her eyes were blazing with fury and yet the face was triumphant.

"Finally!" she cackled. "This world shall be mine!"

Jadis, the White Witch turned purposefully and strode to the edge of the grove. She stopped at the shimmering trying to go through, but she couldn't. She tried again and again and then gave a wild scream. Looking angrily at April she took steps toward her saying...

"What have you done? Why can't I leave? You will pay for this!"

~~Section Break~~

Peter hopped off the train at the village of Sway, feeling excited and full of purpose. They had a plan and were going to defeat the witch today. And, he would get to see April and his siblings. Professor Kirke had wanted to come, but came down with a cold yesterday, so he gave instructions to Peter. He was not sure if it would work, but it was worth a try. He had come a few hours early to surprise April. Edmund and Lucy were coming on the noon train. From the letter he had received, they had something exciting to tell them. He was glad this long summer of studying was over.

It had been interesting staying with the professor especially since the wardrobe that was their door into Narnia the first time, was in his room. He had felt silly, but he checked it almost daily to see if Narnia were in there again. He told himself that Lucy would have wanted him to keep trying.

He arrived at April's house and learned from her mom that she had not returned yet from spreading the solution. A sense of foreboding filled him. He set his bag in the corner, grabbed the swords and ran out of the house. He ran through The New Forest finding his way to the grove and stopped just short of the shimmering to catch his breath. His blood ran cold when he saw April. Her head was slumped over and wrists bloody. She was shivering with cold and held fast by a sapling. She looked like she was having trouble breathing. He could see the witch pacing back and forth like a caged animal. Rage filled him as it never had before. Somewhere in his head, he knew he should wait for Edmund, but who knew what more vengeance the witch might take out on April for trapping her in the grove.

The witch had her back to April for a moment. He slipped in and knelt beside her. It was very cold. Her binds were so tight he could not loose them. He whispered to her. She raised her head and looked at him in relief.

In that instance, the witch feeling another presence, whirled around. Peter met her gaze and rose slowly to his full height, deliberately drawing his sword.

"Well..." the witch said tauntingly, "Look who we have here. The High King come to rescue his subject. You are too late! I will get out of this cursed space and you will not stop me!"

Peter raised his sword and with a look of hardened determination said, "You will have to go through me first."

"Ha, with pleasure!"

Engagements of Narnia...featuring Peter PevensieWhere stories live. Discover now