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Cale found himself back in his dimension and this time his parents were there. He ran towards them and hugged his mom tightly and his dad gave him a big hug too.

"mom I missed you so much!"

He yelled excitedly.
Cale let go of his mother and hugged her father tighter.
They stood hugging eachother for a few moments before Cale remembered he wasn't supposed to be there.

"Im not supposed to be here! I was working then Ron entered my study and i blacked out"

"sweetie, remember if something happen to your body your conscience will take you here to heal"

Said his mother

"why? What happened?"

"do you want to know?"

Asked his father

"of course i want to know!"

Replied Cale annoyed.
Sudently a screen appeared in air and the scene started playing.


Said Cale confused and shocked about the video.

The redhead boy wanted to come back home and tell everyone he was ok.
He closed his eyes and...

When Cale woke up, he immediately noticed his two fathers, Alberu and Ron, in the room.
Deruth was crying and holding his hand, the king was on the other side of the bed and was frowning that he was holding their other hand too.
Alberu was at the end of the bed trying to hold back tears and Ron was standing next to the prince.

"My son! "

yelled Deruth as soon as he realized the redhead was awake he tried to hug him only to be pushed away by the king who told him

"you dare call him your son after you abandoned him?! he is my son not yours"

" don't talk nonsense, he's my son, he's my blood!"

"if it's your blood why did you abandon it? It's your fault if it's in this condition in the first place!"

The two continued to bicker like children until Ron interrupted them

"The young master has just woken up and it's better if you don't yell, if you want you can discuss it later, somewhere else"

Ron said politely.
For a moment both Zed and Deruth stood silently, glaring at each other, it was so hard to admit that their child was suffering.
Then the silence was broken by Cale asking what happened.
The king sighed heavily and told him.

"You collapsed from too much exhaustion and because you didn't sleep, barely ate and drank"

Hearing the story again Deruth started to cry like a baby.

"are you ok now?"

Asked Alberu worriedly

"I think?... But my head hurts."

Said the redhead rubbing his temple in pain.

"i'll ask the doctor and priest to check you"

Said the king leaving to talk to Deruth

"can you sit up?"

Asked Ron when he came with the tray.
Cale nodded and slowly got off the bed.
He helped him sit on the bed and placed one of the pillows behind his back for more support.

Once Cale was seated Ron sat beside him placing the cup of warm tea near his hand.

"thank you"

he said softly taking a sip of the sour tea.

"I will go get the physician, do you need anything?"

Asked Ron

"no... i'm fine"

replied the redhead as he tried to not frow from the sourness of the tea and his headache.
Soon Ron came back with the physician who checked the condition of Cale's body.

"the doctors said that it will be fine with rest"

explained Ron after handing Cale the medicine.

"what should I do now?"

asked the redhead while taking the medicine.

"just rest, you can read a few book but just one a day, no work and no stress"

'i can finally rest?!'

"ok, Im very good at doing nothing"

Said the redhead happily but the butler misunderstood and thought that his young master was happy because he was sick.

'he wanted his father affection, approval and attention so much that he hurt himself? He doesn't know how much his own actions affect him, He didn't care if he was hurting himself or if someone else would suffer. Even he doesn't care if he dies!'

thought Ron while looking at the boy with pity and worry.

"your fathers must be worried about you and you're probably going to have to take care of yourself for several months or even years. I mean you can't live alone without help"

' What is he talking about? The doctor just say i need rest... What help is he talking about?'

"I will not tell your fathers until you tell me is ok unless things got out of hand"

'What is he talking about?! Tell my fathers what? It's not like i was about to die!'

Cale sigh and smiled

"I trust my heart i will live"

He said placing a hand on his chest.

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