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After the incident the gods didn't want Cale to lose his mind because of love so they decided to give him a power that was more of a curse.

"What Im doing here?"

Asked a irritated redhead that was chained with golden chain.

After the incident Cale started feeling tired so he decided to get some sleep not knowing what was going to happen to him.

When he opened his eyes he found himself in a white law court, in front of a lot of new people he didn't know.

"who are does people? What is this place?"

asked a confused Cale.
Then suddenly something clicked inside his head and he was stunned.

'is it because of what i did today?'


A god spoked.

"you are here to be punished for not acting like your attribute, usually your father would be the one in charge but he is too involved in this case so i will be the one in charge"

"who are you?"

"Im the god of justice and judgment"

"Im here because of what happened today?"

"exactly and i already decided your punishment"

"What is it?"

"you would be given the power of emotions and your powers sealed until you are 18 years old"

"As punishment you give me other powers? What the heck of punishment is that? "

"the power of emotions is very strong, it allows you to know the emotions of others but as soon as you are in contact with negative emotions you will be in excruciating pain"

Cale could hear his mother crying in the distance, he turned his head and saw his father trying to keep Jour from running to him.

Just then the god of judgment reached out a finger and pointed it at him.
Cale began to feel as if his skin was on fire, a thousand knives cutting into him, nails driving into his bones.

He yelled at the top of his lungs but no sound came out except painful screams.
He fell to the ground and laid there trembling. His tears falling down his cheeks but no sound coming out. The pain increased and the cries intensified.
Everyone watched horrified as Jour finally ran towards him and engulfed him in his arms sobbing hysterically.

The crowd could see Jour sobbing loudly while Cale was still in pain.
Jour couldn't understand what was happening and why her son was hurting, she just wanted his son to be okay.
The god of justice and judgement approached Jour and tapped her shoulder with his finger signaling that she could release Cale from her embrace since the boy was passed out.

When Cale opened his eyes the pain was gone and he was back in his room.
He got up from the bed and headed to the bathroom but when he was in front of the mirror because he wanted to wash his face he notice immediately his face.

He had black marking on his face and body.
He touched the mark on his cheek with his thumb wondering how it was created.

"is it because of the gods punishment?"

He whispered to himself.
A moment later he could hear his bedroom door open and Ron enter.

"young master, are you in there?"

the butler asked as he knocked on the bathroom door.
The redhead began to panic, he didn't want anyone to seen him like this.

"yes, im in the bathroom! I'll be right out. There's no need for you to entered"

"are you all right?"

"yes, Im ok. Can you bring me a veil and a pair of gloves? You can simply leave them on the bed."

"of course young master"

Said the confused butler as he leaved the room.
Once the butler left Cale quickly finished washing his face, he put on his usual outfit and exited the bath room and saw what he needed on the bed.
He wore the white veil with golden embroid and the leather gloves.
The veil covered his whole face so the only thing that was visible was his long red hair.
Not even an inch of skin was visible under the veil.
He was wearing turtleneck shirt and dark pants.

He was ready to see Krs and Alberu.

The gods chosen one Where stories live. Discover now