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the next day Cale woke up refreshed after a good sleep, the events of the previous day had tired him and as soon as he touched the pillow he fell asleep next to Rok Soo.

going down the stairs Cale could hear some noise coming from the main hall.

"stop it! give it back!"

"what's going on here?"

asked Rok Soo before Cale could say anything

"Rebel won't give me back my plushie!"

said Voss pointing at the vampire that was holding a fox plushie.
Rebel was one of Ray personas.
she was very energetic and liked to play pranks on people.
sometimes she was rude ,violent and she loved blood.

she was born when Ray had lost control and killed some people which resulted into Ray fearing blood and refusing to drink human blood.
he always drink animal blood and if he drink human blood it mean Rebel is in control.

Ray currently have five personas.
every one of them have a name, age, personality and role.

in order of age :

Kai - (non-binary) 16

Sky - (boy) 13

Rebel - (girl) 12

Taru - (boy) 7

Nara - (girl) 5

Kai is very protective and acts like a parent to others.
they are calm but if someone is hurt they will do anything to protect them and make sure the others feel safe.
Sky is like a shy and scared brother.
he always afraid of everything and he get embarrassed easily.
Rebel is like a sister. she always picking up fight and she love chaos.
Taru is always silent and love read.
he is lazy and he mostly sleep.
Nara is the youngest of them.
she is a cute child.she always happy and she love sweets and playing.

Cale was used to the behavior of Rebel so he know what to do.

"Rebel, give it back"


she said sticking her tongue out.

"how about a deal? you give the plushie back and i will give you a piece of blood cake "

hearing her favorite snack, Rebel decided to give back the fox plushie.
the blood cake was a dessert made primarily of blood and it was her favorite sweet.

"come on, let's have breakfast"

said Kim Rok Soo while taking Voss hand and walking towards the dinning hall.

followed by the rest of the family they entered the dinning hall.
Once inside they were greeted by Ciel and Sirius with Tanaka.

"Good morning young lord, young masters and ladies"

Tanaka said bowing slightly before getting some plates and cutleries ready for everyone.

"good morning"

said together the male twins.
after everyone was seated, they started eating happily.
halfway through breakfast Cale began to feel tired and dizzy until he passed out in front of everyone which caused absolute chaos.

meanwhile Cale was, once again, in his dimensions and in front of him there was Div with a strange expression.

"what am I doing here again?"

Cale asked as he hopped from cloud to cloud towards the mansion.


Div was looking for the right words but decided to wait to talk when they sat on the couch.

"so...are you ready to talk now?"

asked annoyed the little god

"ok so...Icompletelyforgottotellyouthatthepersonthatisgoingtohelpyouwillcometodayandyourfatherhadtoldmetogiveyouthis"

(I completely forgot to tell you that the person that is going to help you will come today and your father had told me to give you this)

she said as she handed him a big black egg.

"is that...a dragon egg?"

he asked shocked and confused.

"yes, your father had told me to give you this and he wanted me to inform you that he rescued him from kidnappers and stopped the hatching process before he could get out of the egg so that the little dragon won't suffer from the humans hand"

She explained to Cale who seemed to be trying to understand what she was saying.

"the person that will come today will also help you with the little dragon, Andrey and the other children"


he smiled brightly and was about to go back to where he came from.

"oh before you leave I want to tell you somethings"

he paused to listen to her.

"when you will leave you can take with you your family, your family can enter this dimension if you give them permission but the time will pass differently so please be careful "

"i will, you don't have to worry "

He said smiling at her.
with that, Cale went straight home, not wanting to worry his children or fiancè.

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