Chapter 11: Wakeup call, Sabotage (Revised)

Start from the beginning

Rodolfo just sighed and brought her to the cafeteria where 141 and the marines were already there talking with the students.

Rodolfo: Soap, Ghost.

Soap: Hey Rodolfo.

Everyone else looked to the door to see Rodolfo with Sienna in cuffs.

Blake: What the!?

Weiss: Is that the White Fang's high leader!?

Ghost: We'll take her from here.

Rodolfo: Thank you.

Rodolfo looked over to Sienna who was a little nervous.

Rodolfo: Please, don't cause trouble.

Sienna: A-anything for you handsome~

Rodolfo: Jesucristo...

A blushing Rodolfo handed Sienna over to Ghost and left the cafeteria.

Ghost: Alright, take a seat.

Soap: Hermano are you blushing?

Rodolfo: N-no... I'll just leave now...

Jaune: What's with him?

Soap: No clue...

Sienna: ...


Time: 1200

Alejandro: Tengo ojos en el teniente.

Rodolfo: Todo el mundo tiene su 9-destellos?

Everyone: Check.

Alejandro: Charges set?

Michael: Set.

Alejandro: On me...




WF Lieutenant: Today brothers and sisters we-


WF Lieutenant: What the!?

All of a sudden, a shot rang out piercing the Lieutenant's Aura killing him after a bullet gave him a new hole in the head.

WF Recruit 1: What's happening!?

WF Recruit 2: Run!

As she said that Los Vaqueros with a bunch of police officers busted through the doors.

PO 1: Get down!

PO 2: On the ground!

Luis: Get on the ground with your hands behind your back and you won't be dead!

As all of the soldiers and officers shouted out commands, the recruits and WFG got on the ground with their hands behind their back.

WFG 4: Damn you humans!

Rodolfo looked around to see a bunch of Grunts and Recruits being arrested and put into cuffs.

Rodolfo: I'll call in transport.

PO 5: Copy, we'll take them outside.

PO 4: Get up. *Yanks on the cuffs*

WFR 1: Ughh...

Alejandro: Let's go Rudy.

Alejandro and Rodolfo walked outside to see some news crew waiting behind some barricades.

Lisa: Sir! Over here!

The 2 of them then walked over to Lisa with a questioning look.

Rodolfo: Is something the matter ma'am?

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