Duels and Dagger part I

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Hiccup woke up with a throbbing pain on his head, right leg and turso. He felt pain all over his body. The heat and warmth of a cloth sting his chest, without opening his eye he could feel his injured leg wrapped with a cloth too. His fingers were numbed and burning as if he held Inferno's flame. As he opened his eyes a shot of pain coursed through his veins shutting his eyes in the process, although the morning sun too made his head hurt.

Wait...morning sun?

"It's been a day and a half Gobber I wanna know if he's alright"

"It's been a day and a half Gobber I wanna know if he's alright"

"Don't worry lass he's fine as a yak"

Hiccup heard two people talking, a valkyrie and a smithies Scottish accent.

"I know yer worried about 'em but Gothi has forbid everyone except me to come and see 'em. Even Stoick wasn't allowed inside"

"Why does it have to be you who could only get in besides Gothi?"

"It's because........ye might not like how he looks right now, besides I've got no wife nor family to take car off, so get on with it lass and train those kids"

The sound of foot steps stepping out the house means the girl in question has given up to go through the room where Hiccup is unconscious. Well let's say semi unconscious. Although she seemed to stop at the entrance, Hiccup wondered what was happening behind the curtains.

"Why do I get the feeling you're hiding something Gobber?"

"There's nothing ter hide, trust me Astrid"

Oh yeah hide, he's definitely done hiding his face under that mask. Sometimes he can't breath with it. Remind him later to make a better mask, if not mask then a well ventilated helmet would do.


He lifted his uninjured arm to face just to be sure if his wearing anything to cover his face. Hiccup sweat dropped once he realized that.... Oh crap

Instantly he got up but he bumped his head on a medicine shelf above the bed. His sudden bump was heard from outside. A small person came in with her long cane followed by a big blonde viking with a missing leg and arm. Fear flooded him as he knew that the other viking is just outside and about to leave. To his relief he could now breath more comfortably for there was no other viking entered after the big viking. The small person used her long cane to push Hiccup's chest to lay back to bed before his eyes finally met to his old forge master's eyes.

Well the big guy had no grudge nor anger inside his eyes, but concern was filled within them but. He was frowning at him, seems to be something bad might happen or maybe he's in trouble.

"So......ye decided to kill yerself with a mad man on lose, managed ter defeat him with less pain yet you ended up having a lot of bruises"

He scolded him like he was his father. His brows scrunched together forming a single brow on his forehead.He raised one of his arms as if he was going to smack Hiccup in the face. He was ready for this but not fully ready to get caught finally. There was suppose to be an impact but it never came....Instead, Hiccup looked back to this viking. He was smiling, he was actually smiling. Then a tear came down to his cheeks.

"But boy ye have grown so much......" Hiccup could feel Gobber could cry a dam "welcome back Hiccup"

Two days ago

The sun was setting on Berk, Berkians headed themselves towards the arena along with their Berzerker prisoners. It took ten men to pull out the stubborn chief of the Berzerk clan. Once Stoick had had enough with his stubbornness he rigidly pulled him then threw him into the kill ring, The lunatic chief didn't show any weakness but laughed at every Berkian looking at him. Dagur had shown them that he could overthrow this island with a piece of cake.

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