Chapter 15:Conference and more

Start from the beginning

Isha mumbled to herself.Much to her shock he sat next to her,she felt her breath getting heavier thinking about the dream.When she was busy fighting with her thoughts he cleared his throat only audible to her.She snapped her head towards him.

He gave her a soft smile saying,' Good morning,Ms Sharma,long time no see,Are you feeling nervous?everything happens for a good reason,so stop tensing every time.Okey.

'Huh?' was the only word escaped from her mouth.

What was he referring by 'Everything'

Isha lowered her eyes without saying anything,as she couldn't gulp the fact that he was sitting next to her and talking normally like he did last time.She looked up to meet the girl in front to change the tensed mood.The girl was staring at Vikram intendly to gain his attention,who didn't noticed her properly,and he didn't have any proper reason to look at her direction ,because all his attention shifted toward the known stranger girl beside him,who was behaving weird like every time unlike last time.

To his bad,he thought that she was alright and initiated the conversation,little did he know that she would behave oppositely how exactly he expect herself to behave at times.

'Mood swings started early morning itself ' he mumbled to himself much audible for her to hear.

Now she snapped her head towards him in a neck breaking speed with a glare.

But he didn't bothered to look at her,anticipating the reaction.

All the while the girl in front of them was sharpening her ears ,trying to listen to these two's conversation but didn't hear anything.

Now it was her turn to gain Vikram's attention,so she dropped some of the files without others notice on the floor.'Oh no',saying this she got up unnecessarily to take the file.

She could have collected it from her sitting position also.Isha thought to herself.

After placing the files on their previous place she said,'I am sorry.'in a dramatic way,as if she was really sorry,to Vikram who looked up to meet her.He gave a formal smile in return.

Soon everyone started proposing their ideas along with possible procedures,gaining everyone's attention.

It was Vikram's turn.Greeting everyone,he spoke briefly about his upcoming targets and missons to empower the cooperate world to next extend than it already was.The ideal smartness look the sharp intelliget thoughts along with his strong confident aura interlaced with his voice didn't let anyone take their eyes off of him.

Isha was listening to Vikram keenly without blinking her eyes,as each one of his words held a strong meaning,not even single word found unnecessarily,not even stammering in between also.

It was the first time she was witnessing Vikram's professional side,last time when she found him at her father's company during the collaboration meeting,he didn't speak even a bit due to the shock of meeting her.It was his friend who spoke everything on behalf of Vikram.

Isha wanted to escape due to the irrespective behaviour towards him every time.She feared his drastic reactions.

She didn't know when did he finished his speach,as she was so engrossed in her own thoughts that she didn't realise that she was staring at him.

It was her turn now,but madam was observing sir,forgetting her surrounding.Isha processing the whole thing within a span of second turned to everyone with a slight smile hiding her awkwardness.Soon her nervousness accelerated,taking a deep breath she begun her speech with her melodious voice.She proposed her points clearly yet softly,to which everyone gave applause.

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