And as I'd been forced to lay here and endure this painful pleasure for what had to have been an hour or two, I'd slowly but surely noticed that Mell's potency was a lot stronger than that of my own.

His aura slowly seeping out as it wrapped around me, I found myself being held down by his energy instead of his strength and while it should have been threatening, I kind of liked that my mate - who was shorter and smaller than me in stature, was stronger than me in terms of potency.

Gemini not so much. He's only tolerated it this far because Mell is our mate. We both wouldn't tolerate this shit if it were anyone else. Seeing how we were being straddled and kept belly up on a bed as I lay here and take however much he wanted to scent me.

Closing my eyes as Mell had now moved onto my neck, nuzzling my nape, I groan as he lets go of my wrists to grab hold of my neck, intoxicatingly deepening his scent there as well.

His body pressed against mine, speaks rushing everywhere his skin touched mine. I found myself breathing heavily under the weight of it all, his scent flowing through my body as if it were apart of my bloodstream, my entire body trembling as my fingers and toes started to tingle, my body vibrating to his essence.

I could feel my body starting to heat, my mind going blank as the only thing that I could focus on was my mate and they way that he felt so right up against me like this.

My hands finding his hips, I turn my face into the crook of his neck and inhale deeply, my tongue running along the soft flesh there. My pelvic muscles tightening as I found myself now angling my hips, rutting against his.

Oh fuck.

My eyes flew open at the realization as I groan again, the heavy, thickened sound quickly turning into a deep growl as Mell starts grinding his pelvis against mine, the friction was deliciously tempting.

My hands tighten on my hips and he growls into the crook of my neck, the vibration against the most sensitive spot on my body forcing my eyes to roll in the back of my head, but I do my best to stay focused on the task at hand.

Two rutting Alphas is a serious problem - our instincts were going haywire, the need to claim, to take, to mark, to breed each other becoming so strong that I was losing sight of what actually needed to be done.

Getting him off of me.

Mustering what strength I had left, I wrap my arms around his back and force myself to sit up, swinging my legs over the side of the bed and standing up, hoisting his body up higher.

Mell yelps, not expecting the change in position, but I place one my hand under his ass to keep him steady as I whisper, "I've got you baby, I won't drop you."

"Want you," He growls again, his body still rutting against mine even while I carry him to my en-suite.

Being born into my pack, raised around wolves, understanding our instincts and urges, I was able to fight against mine a whole lot easier than Mell was.

I could only imagine how scary this must be for him right now, having no control over his body, feeling trapped within himself as his instincts took over and forced him to do whatever he could to make it known that I was his.

And since he couldn't make rational decisions on his own, I had to be the one to help him through this before my rut took over and both of us being dominant Alphas, it would be a struggle of strength and power and most likely a bloodbath as we fought for dominance over the other, our bodies deciding who took who - right here, right now.

And if I'm being completely honest, that was something that I was not ready for just yet.

Absolutely nothing is coming near my ass and I have no fucking idea what it's like to please another man, so I would have to do some pretty uncomfortable research before this shit happens because who are we kidding, it's going to happen eventually and I want to feel confident in what I'm doing beforehand.

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