Pushing open the sliding glass door, I walk inside the house, weaving through the kitchen, dropping my dufflebag on the floor of the livingroom and plopping down on one of the couches - my Dad doing the same.

"Look, Mell," Dad leans forward, his forearms resting atop his thighs as he holds my gaze. "I know this isn't what you wanted but in order for you to understand yourself, your urges, your instincts, for Shiro to feel safe shifting, you need to have the safety of your pack and Nightshade is one of the best packs out there."

Running a hand down my face, I sigh. "I get it, Dad, I really do." I nod. "But I'm just not ready for this, it's so quick. I mean one day my life is going a certain way and then the next thing I know, you're telling me that I have to move to a wolf pack in one week, that's a lot to adjust to."

"I can understand that," Dad nods, agreeing to my uncertainty over it all. "And I wish there was more time to get you comfortable with the idea but with the full moon coming up in just a few short days, you need to be around a pack."

Ugh. . . the Full Moon.

I hated how much I loved that dang thing, how much it brought out the worst and the best in me. How my body felt recharged, my healing kicking in the moment that the shine of the moon kissed my skin, the way that my newfound strength, my newfound energy brought out the need to shift - something that Shiro still wouldn't allow.

Dad says shifters usually experience their first shifts between the ages of thirteen and fourteen but with me being twenty-five, having never shifted a day in my life - I felt like I was going to be a joke to this new pack.

Shiro told me that he wouldn't allow us to shift for our safety, that some things are better left to the unknown but Dad says the longer that a shifter goes without shifting, the more out of control they become.

Especially during a full moon.

It was like I was manic.

I always blacked out during those moments, anger, rage, fury - the only emotions that I could feel during my manic episodes. Dad said that he always had to chain me in the basement during those times because I was that out of control, but it was also for a more serious reason.

The fact that I couldn't heal myself completely and if I were to harm myself during one of my crazed moments, than I grow ill from my wounds - or worse, I could die.

The moon could heal me, I knew that but it bothered me that I never seemed to be able to heal myself properly. I don't know if it has something to do with the fact that I've never shifted or if it was truly because I was a freak but either way - I was a liability, a burden and a danger to everyone around me.

Those reasons along with the fact that I would have to answer to another Alpha. . . were all too overwhelming.

From the things that I've read on the internet and in Dad's history books, Alphas aren't the most cuddly wolves. They're power hungry, angry, mean, aggressive, always throwing around their auras to dominate their members, forcing everyone to constantly submit to them and their beasts could be just as bad - if not worse.

All things that I didn't want to deal with but thanks to my Dad, I would be dealing with in a matter of five days. Binding my life as he says it - to an Alpha named Titus Black.

Just his name sounds intimidating, like fudge and poptarts, how am I supposed to act around him? What if he doesn't like me? What if he tries to dominate me and force me into submission? What if he doesn't like the fact that I'm strong and that I like to fight? That I can be a little sassy and outspoken when I want to be.

That I'm gay. . . would that go over well with him?

Plus this whole mate bond business that my Dad keeps going on about. The excitement in his tone about the prospect of me finding my mate was everything but contagious.

I don't even know what a mate bond should feel like.

To be forced to love someone just because the Moon Goddess says so? - What does a mate bond even feel like? What's the point? Who would I even be mated to and would they even like me, an unshifted wolf that grew up around humans and knows nothing of wolf society?

What if I'm attracted to someone else other than my mate? What if I don't like my mate? What if I'm not attracted to them? What if they're another Alpha?!

Oh sweet baby Goddess. . . what if my mate is an Alpha? A male who has no control, who's aggressive and dominant and angry. How would his beast interact with me? Would he be angry too just like his human or worse?

Fudge and poptarts - yeah this is not something that I'm entirely thrilled about, if at all. . . In fact, I'm shitting bricks over the whole idea.

I don't want to go.

Groaning again, I pull myself out of my tumultuous thoughts and refocus back on my Dad. "I know, I'm just nervous about the whole thing."

Dad nods slowly, pressing his lips in a line. "I know you are, son, but Mom and I will be there with you for however long you need us to be until you're comfortable and we won't let anything bad happen, you know that right?"

I nod without an ounce of hesitation because I truly did believe that my Dad wouldn't allow anything to happen to me.

"Good," He smiles before getting off the other couch and pulling me to my feet, engulfing me in one of his dad embraces - the kind that only a Dad could give.

"I love you, Mell." I hear him whisper and I tighten my grip around him.

"I love you too, Dad." Whispering my words back, I hold onto him until he decides to pull back, breaking our embrace.

Brushing the hair from my sweat drenched forehead, he smiles. "You'll be fine, son and trust me when I say that you will absolutely love pack life once you've allowed yourself to embrace it."

I nod again, unsure of what else to do. "I'm only doing this because you haven't given me any other choice, so I'll try to give it a chance."

"And that's all I can ask for," Dad chuckles, the boisterous sound making his shoulders shake. "Now come on, we need to take showers because we offend and if Mom catches us in her livingroom smelling like this, she just might skin us alive."

I snort at his words and the genuine fear in his eyes before grabbing my dufflebag as he does the same, heading upstairs in search of my bathroom because Dad was right.

I do offend and honestly - I should be in jail for my bodily stench. . . My balls smell like hot ass and my armpits smell like coffee and cuss words!



What the hell does coffee and cuss words smell like? Why is he like this?! I hate him I swear!👊🏾😂😂

After reading this little chapter, what are we thinking about Mell? - he's a handful and a half that's for sure!

Predictions? Hopes? Fears?

Also - I know this one is shorter than normal but that's because Chapters 9 & 10 are long ass doozies! One is 3,500 words and the other is over 4,000!😳😳😳

Our boys meet in Chapter 10 - so get ready for that foolishness!😂😂😂

Updates - I have posted my schedule on my Message Board for all ongoing and formatted novels 🧡

Don't forget to comment if you felt the urge and vote if you enjoyed this one!


Thanks so much for reading,
Until next chapter,
Byeeeeeee Bestiessssss!!

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