Season 2|chapter 58

Start from the beginning

Dylan smirked like a devil,"Who else"

"What about the sword? The sword you took from me? 'Dylan's sword' "

Dylan raised his palm and a long sword appeared right on top of his palm. "As I suspected,Dylan's maternal family had been dying to search this sword. I didn't really understand why they wanted the sword that badly but once I got into Dylan's mother's childhood house,I got all my answers"

Hazel's knotted her eyebrows expecting him to continue.

"This sword....",Dylan stared at the impressive blade. "It does not serve to anyone other than the blood relatives of Dylan. The spirit in the sword is very special but who would have known there was a sick story behind this impressive sword"

"What is it?",Hazel asked.

Dylan snickered,"This is not a sword Hazel. This is a person. A living person. Not a spirit. Dylan's mother's sister who disappeared a long ago when she was just five years old"


Dylan looked at Hazel's confused face.

"Imperial family used dark sorcery to turn a five old child to a literal sword. A blood sacrifice. No one knew anything except the king and family head of Dylan's mother's house,her father"

"That's....that's inhuman. How could they — A fucking child? Why would they do that?"

Dylan shrugged his shoulders,"To forge a strong weapon,a weapon no one can destroy,a weapon which promised the victory"

Hazel,"And the king married that girl's older sister who is Dylan's mother,so when they gave birth to a child,the sword will respond to the imperial family blood too?"

"Precisely. But somehow the sword had gone missing and now it is sitting on my palm",....."I used this sword to slay Dylan's grandfather,the very own blood she is serving"

Hazel,"Dylan wanted that? Not you,the real one. He wanted it too,right? "

The raven nodded still staring at the sword,"He did. At first,he only wanted to destroy the current imperial family who had tormented him and his mother but when he found about the story of the sword,he went for a mascara in his last life",...."I can understand why. This speaks to its owner. She tells her story to the owner hoping she will be freed one day"

"....did it speak to you too?"

"No. But when I forcefully made it identify myself as the owner,she told me"

Hazel pondered for a while,there had been a question lingering in her head for a long time now. She didn't know if it was the right time to ask but she had been dying to know it," said you're not Dylan. Then where is he?"

Raven haired male didn't look at her as he smiled slightly,"Why do you ask that?"

Hazel,"Because I'm curious"

"Well,let's say,I was bored and offered him a deal in exchange for his place"

Hazel raised an eyebrow clearly wanting him to continue.

"He wanted to destroy the imperial family and at the same time the throne too"


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