"Because he has to rely on his physical strength overall, he's a hero even if he can't fly or shoot stuff from his hands." Gavin led me back to the house holding me close to him.

After getting back to the house we spent a couple hours together before Gavin was called away to be an alpha. Personally I did not think being a Luna meant anything special, sure my mate was alpha, and I was a leader over them as well but since Gavin handles everything, I'm more like a trophy he brings out during special events, I kind of felt useless. On my way up to the bedroom, my phone began to ring. I looked at the caller ID to see that it was just a number, I didn't answer. It started again with the same number and I decided to answer.

"Hello?" I called in to the slightly noisy background.

"Shelly, hey, it's A-" The voice began before I cut him off.

"Ashton, why are you calling me again?" This had been the millionth time he called me and the millionth time it was from a different number.

"Because, I love you and I want us to get back together, I never wanted us to end, I thought we were on a break baby, but" He trailed off.

"I told you, we had to break things off, I told you I had to go back to my home." I explained annoyed as I walked in the room closing the door behind me.

"I didn't expect you to just leave me like that though I thought we could get back together when you came back." He tried to reason.

"Ashton, I'm married, I have a husband who loves me, just as much maybe even more than I love him. We can't be together, ever." I sighed.

"No, you lied to me then; you said you were going home, you didn't say you had an old love or whatever he is, that you wanted." He was getting upset.

"My husband is the home I was talking about, I left him and, he came back for me, I'm sorry you're hurt but you have to move on." I replied calmly.

"No, you're mine and I won't let you just walk away from me." He raged through the phone.

"It's been three years, Ashton, why did you wait till now to do all of this, I've already moved on." I sighed sitting on the bed.

"I let you go for the first year but after that, I could find you or your friends to ask them where you were, I couldn't find you for two years, until I finally found your new number and address." He sounded like a stalker.

"I don't love or want you, move on Ashton. Don't call me, visit me, nothing" I replied after I pulled the phone from my ear to stare at it in disbelief of his previous words.

"Shelly it isn't fair to our relationship for you to be doing this, you were mine first and I demand you give us another chance." He was getting angry.

"Seriously, you're crazy, stop calling me!" I hung up and pulled the battery out of my phone.

'He's not normal,'

Marie muttered in my head.

"You're telling me?" I scoffed lying back on the bed.

'No, something is really off about him, he's different now, his obsession is becoming inhuman.'

Marie replied calmly.

"Inhuman?" I muttered as the bedroom door opened.

"Mate, I-" Gavin paused as he looked at me. "What happened to you?" He closed the door behind him and made his way over to me.

"Nothing, I was just thinking," I replied sitting up as he stopped before me.

"You're lying; I can see it as well as smell it. Did that human call again?" He asked cupping my chin and staring in to my eyes, willing me to submit.

To Trust A Mate (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now