They have the power of hypnosis in their fingers the hornier they get it reeks out their pores and before you know it you don't own anything anymore all of it is gone you signed everything over in their names and you don't even remember doing it. It is not your fault it is some kind of thing that comes out of their sweat glands and makes you give them more and more and more and more is Never Enough lieutenant. They can convince a man he loves them when in actuality he don't even know their name.

It is the same reason why I stopped brokering mermaids because of the siren song any female that can make a male or another female love them simply by staring singing or sweating I don't want any parts of its bad business.

Not not true I watched you broker a fairy last year a black fairy at that Lieutenant smiled recalling him breaking his own cardinal rule. Oh yeah, solo shook his finger tapping his temple remembering that yeah yeah she was hiding inside of a clock clock. That's right she was hiding inside of a clock clock and you still married her and the clock clock off Solo.

Yeah Lieutenant that's because the clock clock was in control of  the Fae who only came out when the clock clock was sexually active and the Faye was not able to do anything to hypnotize the mail or the female into doing something the host did not want done.  That is why I brokered the deal because the fairy was harmless and was keeping the clock clock alive.

Yeah yeah yeah. What I do know is you better stop tricking your money out to those women in the bottles I'm not giving you a raise every year you've had one since you've been with me you're about to reach your limit. Lieutenant looked at solo rolling his eyes and you can roll your eyes like a bitch if you want to but if you don't like the rules you already know where the door is there's a thousand people trying to get your job on this planet and trust me it will not be hard to feel lieutenant. Yes it will do you know how I know? How humor me solo said pouring himself a glass of sweet wine from his wine cellar. Because ain't nobody going to put a bullet in a nigga head as fast as I do just because you said it and that is why I'm here because I am not only your Lieutenant when it comes to business but I'm also your personal bodyguard how many bodies have we buried together in the dunes? We very quite a few bodies in the dunes and all the bodies have been reported to The Intergalactic funeral Affairs offices I don't have to hide everything that is done is recorded by my sheriff and my deputies and my warrant men everything is on and up and up so when a galactic judge comes to here we can sit down and discuss everything that was done and go over all the galactic holographic Sony holograms proving it.

I want to be like you when I grow up solo. Hahaha solo let out a bellowing laughter that infected Lieutenant making him laugh in return you will never be like me if you don't stop tricking your money if my father were alive and knew that I blew that money on women you have no idea what he would do to me, he would probably stretch me out on the racks on the sunny Dunes for days until the light into my skin started to dim Was your father that hard on you?

Harder, you have no idea if it wasn't for my mother things between us would have been way worse than they were when I was a teenage Lumi. My mother was a older matured human she knew how to deal with me because I had more human ways than me it happens but I miss my mother dearly trust me she was the balance between my father and I. What did you do when your mother died?

Solo look into the air and then turned his sight to a photo of his mother and he on the back of a camel in the West Desert of the planet when it was still being cultivated I would say we learn to get along I couldn't move out the palace because there was too much business here we work together I stayed in my Lane he stayed in his we pretty much stayed out of each other's personal affairs I mean we coexisted that's all we could do.

Where is my brooch of interpretation? Right Here solo wait which one the diamonds The Sapphires or the jades? I said give me the one that has a stone from every Galactic planet oh the one with 220 stones? Yeah that's the one it's very welcoming when the men see I procure a storm from their Planet even if it's worthless there it's a conversation piece and whoever I'm speaking to at the time it changes my language to theirs so no one is misunderstanding the other. This is cool does it let you hear in your own language what is being said back yes he picked up an earpiece through here I place it in my ear and can hear exactly what they're saying and whatever language I select. Humor me solo what language do you have it on? Black Lumi of course my native tongue then English the language of my mother as she was Earth Nubian American she taught me all her languages French Italian Russian chinese and mandarin lieutenant.

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