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"I'm nervous." Luke squeaked, flattening down his skirt.

"All you have to do is stand there and look pretty", Michael muttered as he tied his sneakers, "You've already got one part down pat."

Michael stood up from the edge of his bed, and pulled a jacket over his head.

"I'm not talking about the trot", Luke huffed, "Im talking about meeting your family."

"What's there to be nervous about?", Michael quizzed, fixing his hair in the mirror behind Luke, "It's not like their opinions matter anyways."

"They do to me." Luke whined.

Michael pulled Luke's puffer jacket shut and zipped it up.

He wrapped a scarf around Luke's neck and fixed the beanie on the boy's head before kissing him on the nose.

Luke was wearing his new Nude stockings and thick fluffy socks over them- due to Michael insisting it would be cold.

However, Michael was in half the layers Luke wore. So he was a hypocrite.

"Not a hypocrite. I'm going to be running and you're standing. Besides you get cold easily and I don't want you getting sick." Michael jeered.

"Shit. I didn't mean to say that aloud." Luke groaned.

"Listen to me Lu, and listen good because you need to hear this." Michael started.

Michael grabbed Luke's gloved hands in his.

"You are the sexiest, most adorable, gorgeous guy in the world. You are funny and personable and kind. My family will love you", Michael assured, "And if they don't it's because they want to be you. Because they have sad boring lives."

Luke's curls poked out from under his beanie.

Michael smiled as he twirled a curl around his finger and pulled it gently to watch it bounce back.

"I'm going to miss you when you run off." Luke huffed.

"Don't worry, baby. I'll be running back to you in no time at all." Michael assured.

"Cocky much?" Luke teased.

"It's the truth. I was the second best runner on the high school track team." Michael jeered.

"Who was the first?" Luke quizzed with a laugh.

"Malcolm Ritter. Total douchebag. We were practically arch enemies." Michael muttered.

Luke grimaced, "I had one of those. Drew Carson. He gave me a swirly once, but then Cal beat the shit out of him so he backed off."

"One of the many reasons I love Cal, I swear." Michael chuckled.

Luke snickered, "He had beat up so many kids on my behalf that by the time he graduated people knew well enough to leave me alone."

Michael looked at his phone.

"We should get going." Michael quipped, pecking Luke on the lips.

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