The girl hisses too as if she was in pain as well and I flinch at the sight of her canines elongating and when Dad plunges deeper into the wound, Sienna drops her head on Bryce's chest, whimpering.

"It's ok, love," Bryce groans, rubbing her head. "It's going to be over soon."

Staying quiet but observing the interaction in front of me, I try to offer some support as I rub Sienna's back, Bryce growling at the action and I quickly pull my hand away - not understanding why he got so offended by it, but whatever.

I wouldn't be doing that again.

It only took Dad a few minutes of digging to finally sigh a breath of relief as he begins to pull something out of Bryce's shoulder, holding it up to get a better look at it.

"Silver bullet laced with wolfsbane." Dad whispers, his expression that of shock and fear as he looks around the room.

Both Sienna and Bryce looking at the bullet with the same shocked and feared expression that my Dad held as I was trying to figure out what was so bad about either one of the chemicals.

Dad told me about silver and wolfsbane and what they can do to wolves but I've never actually experienced the pain that can happen due to being exposed to either one of them - although judging by the looks on their faces, I didn't want to know.

Going into the bathroom attached to his office, Dad washes the bullet off and then carefully places it in the same black box that he asked me to get from his filing cabinet - making me wonder why he would keep it.

That wasn't what caught my attention though, it was the sight of Bryce's shoulder wound, slowly closing, healing - amazingly.

I hadn't personally seen a wound this scary or this massive - actually heal on it's own or begin to so to watch his skin slowly pull back together in front of my eyes, I was in awe.

"Romello," Startling when I hear my Dad's voice, I blink a few times, realizing that I was staring at the wolf still laid on the couch.

"Yes?" I ask, turning to look at my Dad.

"I've been paged, so I have to go check on a car crash victim that's being rushed in, so can you clean all of this up for me?" He asks, gesturing around at the mess in his office.

Leaving me without a choice, I nod and then watch as he leaves his office in a hurry, closing the door behind him.

I sigh a breath of nervousness and frustration that my Dad would leave me with two wolves - actual wolves that I had never met before and expect me to remain calm about the whole situation.

I've never been around any other wolves except my Dad and even with him, I've only actually seen his wolf or witness his abilities a handful of times because I always avoided the matters of our kind.

Everything that I've read in my Dad's history books about werewolves terrified the living daylights out of me, making me feel like this part of me was death on legs.

I hated everything about being so different - a wolf living in a human world and yet I didn't want to go around my own kind to learn more because what good could actually come of that?

"Ahem," Startling again when I hear someone clear their throat, my eyes widen as I take a step back from the couch to see Bryce and Sienna watching me.

Ignoring their gazes, I turn around and start cleaning up the mess in my Dad's office, trying my best to keep my head down, hope that they didn't bother me and just leave already.

"So you're a wolf." The guy, Bryce says, pulling my attention back to him as I pull on a pair of gloves and throw some of the bloody gauze away. "Living with humans, why?"

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