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There was a glimpse of silence engulfed in the living room as the family was busy in having dinner. Just a cute giggles of kids were being heard oftentimes in between dinner.

Taehyung was just having his dinner and his two cousins with his aunt and uncle joined them.

He doesn't like to interact much but he don't have anything against kids. He's quite chill with them as long as they don't annoy him or touch his necessary documents.

The elders were just discussing about how they meet their mate until the topic got stuck on taehyung.

The black haired male sighed as he knew where this conversation is gonna lead on. He's just tired of people asking for his mate.

Mom: so taehyungie did you find you mate yet?

His mother asked quite in keen tone while raising her eyebrows, a look of excitement and hoping for positive response.

Taehyung: no mom I'll let you know once I'll find

The black haired male just kept the conversation short because he's still not used to be comfortable or more like he gets awkward with this whole 'mate' topic.

His mother huffed after hearing her son's answer.

AUNT: Don't worry tae you'll find soon.

Taehyung just nodded as he stare at his little cousins who were giving him smirk look. He just chuckled and continued having his dinner.



Jungkook was sitting in his living room with his mom watching bl-drama, yes because his mom is big fan of it. It's not like he hate it but sometimes it gets awkward for him to react.

MOM: omg are they about to kiss

Jungkook's mom squeak in excitement as her eyes was fixated on tv. She was munching her snacks.

Jungkook: god mom sometimes i wonder if you're my mom or you've adopted me because for sure you won't act like 'Ajumma'

Jungkook's mom just hit him not too hard but their bond is so healthy. They keep bickering, fighting like siblings.
His mom never make him feel absense of his father. She always try to do everything possible for jungkook.

Jungkook: momm i need to rant about a guy but you seem to give more attention to random drama rather than your own proud gay son.

His mom quickly turned off the television as she quickly shifted her position, facing her son.

Mom: i thought you're gonna rant about someone again stealing your banana milk
Now spill the tea.

Jungkook: i don't know from where you're learning this weird terms but yeah okay.

Mom: i saw it in drama you're uncultured swine and never teach me those cool terms.

Jungkook: okay okay now listen,
So i saw his very handsome guy in cafe like he seem like he  straight up came from modeling agency. I decided to talk to him and ended up getting insulted because he was annoyed by my presence.

Mom: you stupid you shouldn't talk to random strangers just because you find them hot. You'll be grounded for a month if you again try to hit on randoms

Jungkook just whined like a baby and gave a pout expression.
His mom hugged him.

Mom: i care about you my son i don't want you to get hurt okay?

Jungkook: you're the coolest mom i swear

Jungkook: you're the coolest mom i swear

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Note: jungkook didn't gained a bratty personality just because his mom is cool and pamper him alot. He do act like mature sometimes and that doesn't include misbehaving.

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