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The Fresh windy cool and crispy air started whistling like a invisible ghost. The red and green in colour birds with chilli like beak started twitting their morning melody. The enormous garden stood like a royal palace and the thick dried strong brown big branches danced welcoming the morning. The green brown beautiful countless leaves whispered to each other about their morning plans.

The brunette hair was swaying as the cool breeze travels through the window. Slowly stretching up a bit and taking a good yawn, Jungkook woke up.

Luckily he got up early today because there's no chance he's gonna ruin his small outing plan with his bestfriend park jimin
He still remember the consequences of last time him giving more priority to his sleep rather than his own bestfriend.

You up?

Good morning to you too bitch

What the fuck
Is up early.
Even though 10 in the morning
Isn't early but still

Shut up
I'm gonna take shower now

Let me join you
Winks winks

This is not the reason i chose to wake up for
I woke up early so i could hit my gym too

How come you
Effortlessly manage to act
Like a freaking narcissist

Fake it till you make it ;)

Fuck off loser

Bye bitch


Jungkook took his pretty good time in shower as he was stinking and got all wet in his own sweat. He dried his hair and grabbed a cute hoodie with a skinny jeans, wore some chapstick and eyeliner then he put on his favourite sneakers.

Jungkook: why do i look unbelievably cute today

The brunette winked at himself while adoring his own self in mirror. He grabbed his mobile phone and headed downstairs to see what his pretty mom is doing.

Kook's mom: honey you're up early is there any special event today?

His mom frowned because jungkook always wake up in noon and stay in his room most of the time playing games, sometimes annoying his mom and munching on his snacks.

Jungkook [ chuckles] : noo mom i gotta meet jimin today it's been sooooo long and we saw eachother before summer holidays

Kook's mom: yes honey i got it.
You will be late i think you should go now otherwise jimin's gonna scold you and I'm gonna take his side

Jungkook: you wishhhh

The brunette haired male kissed his mom's forehead as he left the house and ready to grab Uber or something.

I'm already here
Where tf are you

Calm thy tits hoe
Just give me 2 minutes
I'm there

Your time starts now
Tick tock

- intense eye roll -
Okay I'm here

Jimin got up from his seat and ran to hug his bestfriend. They don't care about what other people think. Jungkook hugged him back. They were acting like it's been a decade since they met.
Jimin is like family for jungkook.
They have been stick by eachother's side since they were kids. Jimin is also an omega.

Jimin: Let's goo I've lot to rant about

Jungkook: let me order my banana milkshake first because i need to charge up myself

Jungkook dramatically tried to faint as jimin was rolling his eyes. They both are weird and they know it but atleast they can make eachother genuinely smile.

Since jungkook's father Jeon Won-shik has left after finding out his only son is an omega he decided to leave them, leaving them in the most tough time when his mother was in pain, had no job with a cute omega boy such a huge responsibility in her hands.

Jungkook barely got much affection and jimin do act like his dad or brother sometimes and jungkook is so thankful to have him.


See you in next chapter guys <3
I've shared some of the past stuffs here. Better chapters are coming i promise 💗

 Better chapters are coming i promise 💗

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