Big Start

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*Ikikik, it looks like there's more Lian backstory than FengQing stuff. You will see~*

"Lian-er, you hold it like this..." Feng Xin said, directing Lian's elbows and arms.

Lian was twelve years old now, five years into her cultivation. She was currently practicing the bow and arrow with Feng Xin in his garden after an hour of practicing the saber with Mu Qing, and sweat dripped down her brow as she held her bow steady.

Her personality had built up pretty quickly, and Mu Qing and Feng Xin had learned a lot about her pretty early on.

She was a tomboy and loved to go out and hunt and fight, occasionally coming home with bruises from fighting with Quan Yizhen. Quan Yizhen had started all those fights.

She also loved to cook, already whipping up big meals for her fathers and sometimes others when they were invited over. She was strong, valiant, and lovable, and paired with that beautiful face of hers... an ideal beautiful girl. She was also a very fast learner, learning techniques and moves from observing only a few times. She loved her fathers, even when her fathers were fighting each other.

"A-Die, how come you don't use your favorite combat bow when you're practicing with me?" Lian asked, righting her elbow angle.

"Ah... my bow is pretty powerful, and I'm afraid that I might hurt you," Feng Xin replied, patting her head. Lian pursed her lips and wrinkled her nose.

"What's the use of it, then? You don't go on missions often, and I don't even see it much. I forgot what kind of woods and metals it's made of already," Lian said. She let an arrow loose towards a target, hitting it just a millimeter away from the bullseye. Feng Xin raised his brows, amused.

"See, I don't even have to use it while training you. You're already so good, that was close!" Feng Xin said. 

"Fine, fine, fine. I wanna see it, though," Lian said, lowering her bow. Feng Xin shook his head in defeat.

"Alright. Don't pull the bowstring back, it loads an arrow on its own," Feng Xin warned. With a wave of his hand, he summoned his bow. Its huge body appeared in Feng Xin's hands, magnificent and deadly.

"Wah... cool..." Lian muttered. The bow was as tall as her, and she was already pretty tall. 

"A-Die, A-Die, use it!" Lian pressed, clinging to his arm. Feng Xin breathed a sigh and gently nudged her.

"Fine, just step back. It's powerful," Feng Xin said. Lian obediently ran back a few steps, waiting in anticipation.

Feng Xin took up his stance and pulled the bowstring back. He breathed in, and a flaming arrow appeared. He let the arrow loose, the arrow blazing through the air towards the target. Although this happened in the blink of an eye, Lian saw it all in slow motion. Flames came from the arrow, and once it collided with the target, the target was blown to smithereens in an instant. Where the target once was, flames rose from the ground.

"Ah, shit..." Feng Xin muttered. He rushed over and stomped on the fire. Lian waved her hand, and water shot towards the dying fire. It put out the fire immediately, a charred mark forming on the ground. Feng Xin turned to her, raising an eyebrow.

"How'd you do that...?" Feng Xin asked. Lian giggled, proud of herself.

"Baba taught me. That was my first time... and Baba didn't get to see it," Lian said. She pouted at that last line, disappointed that she finally got to do something but forgot to show her baba.

"Don't worry, I saw it," a voice said from the door. Lian beamed and ran over to throw her arms around her baba, Mu Qing.

"You're back! Just in time! You saw, are you proud of me?" Lian spat in quick succession, burying her face into Mu Qing's chest. Mu Qing smiled, stroking her hair.

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