19) It was all a Dream?

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A baby before the 25th!

A magic baby

First comes love
Then comes marriage
Then comes a baby in a baby carriage


I jolted a awake frightened by the nightmare I had but Nicks breathing calms me.

Those sayings. A baby by the 25th.
There is no way I could sit here and let fate take its place. I had to slip out and see the book. I had to cast the spell!
I couldn't take it anymore.
If I was going to do it, I had to do it tonight.
It was the only time I could.

I lift Nick's arm off my stomach and slip away.

"Wyn." He groans, pulling my waist into his arms.

"I need to use the bathroom Nick" I kiss his cheek, letting him know I was fine.

"Okay... come..." He kisses my jaw lazily before dozing off again. I didn't know what he was gonna say but I didn't have time to figure it out since he was out like a light.

I bend to slip on my slippers and robe and tiptoe to the library.


In the dimly lit room, I sat cross-legged on the floor with the thick, leather-bound spell book that read Forbidden Spells and Arts on my lap. I traced my finger along the intricate designs etched into the cover, feeling a sense of awe and excitement building inside me.

Its pages were yellowed and tattered, and the ink was faded with age. It was a forbidden book, one that held spells and knowledge that was deemed too dangerous to be taught to the common magical entity.

As I opened the book and flipped through the pages, I could feel the power emanating from the ancient text. I read the incantations and spells listed, trying to commit them to memory until I came upon that spell.

The Greatest Wish

"Is this the spell I need?" I whisper aloud.

Its pages flipped again and opened in the middle on another spell titled:

The Yearning Enchantment

Maybe it was this one I needed? I turned the page, and my eyes widened as I read the words scrawled across it. The words seemed to glow underneath the darkness.

"There's no use in delaying" I whisper to myself but my stomach flips with fear and regret.

I can't do this, I am  betraying Nick!

But as I tried to close the book? The pages gripped to my fingertips.

"Hey!" I curse, shooting up to stand. The book pages wouldn't leave from my fingertips. It was as if sticky glue or tape were on its ends.

I tried tearing it off to no avail.

"Fine. You win" I mutter, opening the book once more to say the spell.

The yearning enchantment
Use this spell for your deepest desire. Make sure to recite and whisper what you desire at the end.

My hearts desire is one wish
Make it be upon, that it won't amiss
Though darkness may fester and light may fade
Make it take this heartache away.

To be a magical entity.

There was a flash of light and green hues before the book snapped closed.

Did it work?
I didn't feel any different?

Suddenly, a voice interrupted my concentration. "What are you doing with that book, Wynter?"

I looked up to see Jack Frost standing in the doorway, his arms folded across his chest.
I quickly closed the book and placed it on the floor beside me.

"What are you doing here!" I stand to challenge his presence.

"I can ask you the same Wynter"
My eyes fall to the ground with guilt.

"You shouldn't be in here!" I challenge.

"And you shouldn't either"

"I was just reading it," the I lied, feeling a twinge of guilt. I had already recited the incantation. I didn't know how long the effects would take.

Jack shook his head and smiled handsomely. "That book holds spells that can cause great harm if not used properly." With every breath, he stepped closer and closer until there was no space in between us. "There  are safer ways to do this Wyn" his eyes blared into mine.
Why did they look...

No. I was married to Nick.

Closer and closer we came until our lips were breaths apart. "Let me show you."

Together, our lips came together and smacked recklessly.


"Wyn what's wrong!!" Nick shoots up holding my shoulders as I jolted awake. My chest rises and falls as I try to regain my breaths.

I wasn't in the library! I was in our room! And Nick.

But the book!
The library

So it was all a dream...

"Wyn! Shhh it was a dream" Nick pulls me into his arms, " a horrible nightmare" he whispers, kissing my head with care.

"Yes a dream..." I whisper. So reciting the spell was a dream? It had to be.

But why did it feel so real?

Author Note:

Hmmm so did Wynter really go to the library?
Maybe she dreamt it all along?
Only time will tell 🙈

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