16) Trust

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I take a few Dee breaths, daring myself to remain calm so I could face the guards outside. If they saw even a sliver of discomfort, I would be found out.

I tiptoed out the library and see the same guard at the base of the wooden doors..
"Did you find everything okay your majesty" he stares.

I stop and smile, shifting the book behind my waist.

"Yes! It seems as if someone checked out the book I needed" I pretended to pout.

"No one has gone in this library for ages? Let us go inside and take another look! I'm sure we can find it together your majesty" He steps inside, adamant to cease my disappointment but I halt his path.

"That is quite all right...." I linger my words for his name. People loved when you addressed them by name. It made them forget what they were determined to prove seconds prior. It was something I learned at Nubia Inc.

"Merry, your majesty"

"Thank you for all you do Merry. And What a fitting name for someone like you!" He stood up a little straighter hearing the title from someone as important as me.

"I willl take my losses Merry and come here with Nick. Maybe there is another book we can discover together?"

"Understood" he nods, bowing his head. He was a young lad so I knew he would keep quiet. I wave goodbye and continue on my journey.

I felt so bad for keeping this book from Nick but he would understand once eveything worked out!
He must!


"Wynter you're late!" Vera fumes, unrolling fabrics of every kind.

"I know I know. I was caught up with something." Drew had caught me by suprise at the castle, reminding me of the meeting I had forgotten so I had no time to hide the book. It was still in my waistband.

"I'm so sorry Vera." Drew takes my purse and sits in a chair in the distance. I prayed he didn't go through my purse.

"Okay come over here!" She opens her arms so I could walk in them.
"Luis fit the bodice to 26in.
Tighten the waist to 26 as well." She pushed a pink tape measure over my bust and hips and did the same.

"Okay Wynter we have 27 dresses here. I'm not leaving until you are content and happy with at least one of them."

"I sure hope I find the one today!" I smile bashfully.
A full rack of wedding dresses came and we started.


"6 hours!!" I fumed. Drew had driven me back to New York where Nick was doing meetings so I could meet him there.

Nick looks down at his watch as we walk down the busy streets of New York. "I have spent a shorter time in the hair salon." He chuckles as he bites into a hot bagel. He held my palm in his other hand as he guided me through the streets.

"Have you really?" He say's, doubting the hair salon experience.

"Next time I do my hair, remind me to bring you." I wipe of his lip with a napkin from my bad as we waited for the street light to cross. Some cream cheese found it's way there.

He laughs and smiles, holding my hand. "Or?? You can spend 5 minutes with magic?" He reminds me.
Oh! I kept on forgetting the perks! That was another perk I would use to my advantage.

"So where is this place anyways?"

"Just a few more blocks over" We were grabbing a bite to eat after my tedious fitting.

"But you found a dress?"

"No." I whisper, annoyed at the wasted meeting.

"I miss Lizabeth! She usually helped me with things like this."

"We'll ask her to tag along for the next fitting. She can help you and hey maybe she'll pick a dress this time?"

"Okay." I bit my lip, nervous to see her. We enter into a quaint but cozy eatery and sit down.

"Call her." Nick says, pulling a menu to his gaze.

"I'm nervous"

"She loves you Wyn no matter the distance."

"I know Nick but I never lied to her. I tell her eveything. With me being Mrs. Claus.... I mean I'm a queen and I can't even tell my best friend."

"I know it's hard Wyn but..."

"Hey guys!" Drew scoots in, "it was killer trying to find parking!"

"Ughh go away" Nick boos him.

"No Nick, I asked Drew to come."

The waiter comes and looks at us as she waits for our order. "We'll start with waters. Thank you!" I smile. She nods and walks toward the kitchen to prep them.

"Why did you ask him to come?" Nick crosses his arms over his chest already knowing we were up to no good.

"Look Nick. I know you're Santa and all but she has a right to know as my friend! She's trustworthy and she will always be there for us.
She practically reunited us.
Drew thinks the same...Right Drew!" I nudge him to intervene.

"Right Wynter! Yes!"

"And Drew is in love! You can't stand in the way of true love!"

"Whoa... I didn't say all that!" Drew coughs, trying to clarify his emotions. I squeeze his wrist beneath the table to shut him up.
"Ouch Wyn! That's my wrist!"

Boy was he dumb. Loveable but dumb.

"Nick trust in a relationship is important!" I explain trying to work a different angle.

"Agreed. I can't keep on lying to her
I mean look at Wynter. You guys trust each other. She would never go behind your back and do something! She would rather tel you the truth!
Right Wynter?"

"Hmmm... yea" I hum, looking away. His words stung me like a slap to the face. Drew was to impassioned in his speech to notice my averted gaze but Nick notice and frowned.

"Wynter" he sighs, holding my hand. "Wynter, I trust you. And if you feel that you can trust her then... you can tell her."

"The word trust keeps being thrown around! Is that today's word of the day?" I laugh nervously. The stinging glare of the book of spells was pulsing through my core.

"I mean it Wyn. Tell her. I trust you" Nick says, kissing my cheek calmly. My heart shatters into a million pieces as I hears his words. How could he love me!
After all that I was about to do.
I still had time to book the book away and never revisit it again.

"Okay. Okay.
I'll tell her!
I love you Nick. Thank you!"  I was happy at Nick's blessing but sad at my betrayal.

I pull out my phone, making sure the book was still in my purse before calling her.

"Hey Lizabeth can we talk? Yea. It's important"


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