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{We are starting this the night that they tell Rui about the baby and for Daki the results}
Daki's POV
I ran into the room, panicking. "What are the results Doma?!?!?" I exclaimed. "God damn it! I don't know Daki!" Doma yelled back at me. "Onii-Chan!" I yelled. "He doesn't know!" Oh my gosh! When were they gonna be here? This is the most nerve racking thing if my life! Just then, Oni-chan burst into the room. He looked over to the room (Y/N) was in, just to find she was standing outside of the door! But she was crying! "What the hell did you do to make her cry?" Gyutaro yelled. "I didn't do anything!" Doma yelled back. Would they shut up for a second? "Guys!" I yelled. "Let her tell the results!" "C-can I tell D-doma first?" (Y/N) stuttered. "Of course. Tell us when your ready." I reassured her. They were only on the room for 5 minutes, but it felt like forever! "Oni-chan! What are the results!?!" I exclaimed. "How the hell should I know!" Gyutaro yelled back at me.

Just then, Doma and (Y/N) walked out of the room. "What is it?!?!" I exclaimed. "Positive..." (Y/N) answered. I ran up to her and engulfed her in a hug, followed by Gyutaro.
{Time skip brought by my lazy ass}
"So, have you told Rui, yet?" I asked (Y/N) and Doma. "No..." (Y/N) told me. I was in shock. "It's been 3 months!" I told her. "I-i know." (Y/N) started. "You have to tell him. He will find out eventually." I told them. "Fine, okay." Doma pouted.
Rui's POV
"What baby?" I asked. Mama and Papa just looked at me. I started to cry. Did I do something wrong? Mama got up and went over to me. "You're going to have a little sister, Rui." she told me. "Really!?!?" I exclaimed. "Yup!" Papa yelled. "Yay!" I yelled.

Mama put me back to sleep and I was dreaming about having a little sister. {This part is during the time skip.} Mama and Papa were really busy for my new sister so I spent most of the time with Aunt Daki and Uncle Gyutaro. "Rui, are you excited to have a little sister?" Daki asked. "Yeah!" I answered her. "What's her name?" "I don't know." Daki answered me. "When will we know?" I asked her. "We'll just have to wait." Daki answered me.
One night, Papa woke me up and he looked like he was in a hurry. "What's going on?" I asked him. "You're going to get you're sister!" he answered me. I was so excited, but couldn't help but sleep.
I suddenly heard someone come into the room and say "The baby has arrived" She's here!

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