The Hashira Meeting

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As you looked at yourself in the mirror, you couldn't help but notice that Doma was staring at you and was blushing. You loved the kimono that Kanae got for you. It was dark blue like your haori and has snowflakes on it with splashes of white here and there. "My, my (Y/N)-chan~" Doma exclaimed. "Don't you look beautiful tonight~" You giggled at his statement. "Thank you Doma-kun!"

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. "Come in!" you yelled. "(Y/N)?" It was Giyu. He blushed when he saw you in your kimono, but held back when he saw Doma glaring. "Um (Y/N)?" "Hello Giyu!"you exclaimed.

"Lady Kanae asked me to escort you and Doma to the Hashira meeting. Is that okay?" Giyu asked. "Of course Giyu-san!"  Doma did not like that you agreed and clung to your leg. "Me and (Y/N)-chan are just fine on our own." "Doma-kun!" you exclaimed. "Sorry (Y/N)-chan." he whined. "It is perfectly okay Giyu." you reassured him. "I apologize for Doma's actions. He's a little.... clingy." "I can see that." Giyu laughed. You'd never seen him laugh before, but you'd just met him so maybe he just did that normally like the other hashira, whoever they are.

"Well, it's best we get going." Giyu told you. "Come on Doma-kun. Please let go of my leg." you told Doma. "No" Doma said. "Doma..." you taunted him. "If you give me hugs once we get there and stay by my side the entire time then I'll let go." Doma told you. "Fine, but we have to hurry." you said.

Once you all got there there were two twins who escorted you and Doma to a room and told you two to wait until the master comes. He will introduce us. "Doma, we kind of just have to stay here for awhile. I know you don't like small spaces." you informed him. "No no, I'll be fine as long as you're here." Doma told you.

The two of you waited for a while and then heard the two twins saying "The master, has arrived" The master then said "Hello my dear children. It seems a lovely night tonight doesn't it?" "Yes Master." you heard a bunch of voices say, but who were they? "I'm sure you have heard that a hashira meeting has been called without any reasoning, but I assure you there is." The master said. "I'm here to discuss Kanae's tsuguko and her lover, Doma." You blushed red. "Why did everyone keep saying you two were lovers?" you thought to yourself. The master seemed to whisper something to the twins and the twins walked towards the room the two of you were in. "Come on out please." she said. Doma opened the door and came out holding your hand. He was a lot taller than you so the height difference was unbearable to you. They gasped at the sight of seeing a human with a demon. "Master! What is this?" A boy with white hair said. He looked shocked. "Go on, introduce yourself." The master told you. "Hello everyone." you tried to step forward, but Doma did not like that. "You promised, remember?" he whispered. "I'm (Y/N) and this is Doma. He's my demon lover." you said Doma blushed at what you said. A girl with pink and greenish hair said, "That's really cute and all, but I'm the love hashira and it seems you two just started dating, like now." It was true Doma cling to you like an overprotective boyfriend and seemed to want to be near you every second of every day. He was going to ask you too. You overheard Doma talking to Kanae about it.

"Well we did, but we had been friends for over a decade." you told her. "Okay, I see." she said. "Children, please introduce yourselves." the master told them.  "I'm Shinobu Kocho!" a girl with black and purple hair said. "I'm surprised I haven't seen you around the mansion Shinobu." you told her. "Well I had a mission to do." she informed. "I'm Mitsuri Kanroji!" The girl with pink and green hair said. "Hi!" you exclaimed. "Sanemi" a white haired boy informed. "Nice to meet you!" you told him.

After all the hashira were introduced and the meeting was basically meeting me and Doma. Doma hated everyone except for Mitsuri, Shinobu, and Kanae. The master clapped his hands. "My children, this meeting is over. I ask you to go back to your homes." We all returned back. You were happy, but Doma was not.

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