4 | endings.

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Two Years Ago

Rae Sremmurd's Perplexing Pegusus played throughout the living room of
the unknown house. In the living room were three men seated on a couch as a bunch of women caressed them. One of the men lined up a white powdery substance on an old wooden coffee table, preparing for its intake.

On that same coffee table, a bunch of money was spread and two loaded guns touched it. The people in the room were high off of their minds.

They enjoyed themselves and talked until two men barged in through the front door. Being alert, the man who had been preparing the substance reached for his gun and immediately pointed it at the two men.

The two men immediately raised their hands in surrender, being caught off guard by the gun. When they initially barged into the place, they didn't know what they were walking into.

"Where's my girlfriend?" One of the men who had barged in spoke in an angry tone. It was Clifford. The other man he came with was his friend Joseph.

"Who the fuck are you?" The man holding the gun questioned.

Clifford's eyes were dark and full of fury. He had been searching for Victoria the whole day to no avail and after hacking into her Apple ID he tracked her location. He didn't know why it let him to a janky trap house.

"Look, I don't want any problems. I just want my girlfriend then I'll get the fuck out," he spoke firmly in an angry tone.

One of the other men on the couch patted the man who held the gun and motioned for his friend to lower the gun, "Hold on."

The man lowered the gun.

"Okay, which one is she?" He spoke again, pointing to the women around him.

Clifford didn't see Victoria. "None of them," he responded.

"Then how do you know she's here?" The man smirked

"I just know. I'm not stupid. I'm not leaving here without her."

The men burst out laughing and it infuriated Clifford even more. The women they were with seemed to be gossiping amongst themselves, before whispering to the man who had been talking. After being told some information by the women, he tried to not laugh.

"What does she look like? Cause there only one other bitch in that room-" he pointed still explaining. Clifford didn't wait.

It had to be her. He immediately took off for the room, leaving his friend behind.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you!" The man warned him, but he didn't follow Clifford. He was too high to the shit. He just shrugged his shoulders and leaned forward to snort a line.

Clifford got to the door of the said room and heard giggles from behind the door. Not the happy type, but the seductive type. He could never mistake that voice for anyone else. What set it off for him was when he heard another voice that wasn't hers. A masculine voice.

"Victoria!" He exclaimed, kicking the door open.

Immediately he saw Victoria in between sheets with another man. She was slow at first to realise what was going on, but when she saw Clifford she shot out of bed, wrapping a sheet around her.

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