(Fay) CHAPTER 45

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I sigh. "Mason, I've been in this hospital for weeks." his eyes narrow. "You've been practically living with me in here." I know he's about to say something, but I hold up my hand for him to keep his mouth shut. "Let us finally go home, Mason. I'm okay."
He quirks his eyebrows as if to ask, "am I allowed to speak now?".
I smile and nod, but before he can say anything, I rush to convince him even more, "wouldn't you like to go home as much as I?"
His brows crunch, as if I am talking in a complete different language than him. "Fay." he finally says. "My home is wherever you are. I don't need a roof above my head to convince myself that I am home. Home is not a house. It's a person. And you are my person."
Have I really married this man? God, Mason is to good to be real.
"Is this a yes?" I ask after longs seconds with a smile. "We can go to our house?" I grin when his eyes widen, because I use 'house' instead of 'home'.
"Yes, we can." my brows crunch in confusion, because even though the voice is so familiar to Mason's, his lips doesn't move.
Our head snaps into the direction of the voice. And all the hairs in my neck stand up.
"Ryan." Mason growls, when he slowly stands up, his whole body tense. Looking like a predator. Dangerous.
I close my hand around his arms and rasp, "Mason, I know him."
The shock in Mason's eyes must be a mirror to my own, and shame pairs with the overwhelming feelings in my chest.

Ten years ago (Age 17)
I hate my life. I hate who I am. I hate everyone and everything around me.
Life is shallow and hollow. There's no one I can count on and nobody I can trust.
I miss Mason so much, but even he has left me. He's realized that I am not worth it.
The world is no better place with me in it. In fact; I'm useless. Nobody would miss me if I'd leave. I'm pretty sure, that not a single soul would even realize, that I am gone. Because I am void. So. very...hollow.
I look down. It's so deep. I would definitely die if I'd jump.
The wind blows through my hair, making me almost lose my balance. I suck in a sharp breath, my heart pounding loud enough to hear.
God, why is this so hard? Why can't I end anything, that shouldn't have happened anyways?
"Miss?" a deep voice says behind me, sounding worried. Probably because I'm standing on this bridge, ready to fucking jump.
Something in the sound of the man's voice has me turning my head slightly. It sounded so much like...no, I don't think about him anymore. He's past. Just like he made me his.
I'm so fucking pathetic.
My blurry eyes study the man beside me. Am I going crazy, or does everything suddenly remind me of him?
I swallow. Blinking my eyes to see better through them. But no, the man in front of me has definitely...similarities to him. He's just an... older version. This feels like a deception. I'm going insane.
I look to the deep abysm again. Needing to clear my head.
"Miss, could you do me a favor and go off the fence?" he tries again.
"No." I simply reply.
I can hear him approaching me, so very slowly. I guess he's trying to not scare me away. Like I am a scared little animal, running the moment it hears a sound. Only that he thinks, that I'd jump down the fall, the moment he makes a mistake. He's pathetic, too.
I sigh and turn my head again, meeting his gaze.
His caramel eyes are burning into mine. It hurts to look at them, because when I say everything reminds me of him, then I mean it. Everything. The hair. The face. The lips. But especially...the golden eyes.
He has to be a hallucination or something, because this is not Mason. It never is.
"Can I ask, why you're trying to suicide?" his voice is so soft, so...careful.
He's getting still closer.
"Could I somehow change your mind?"
"Are you always asking so many questions?" I shoot back.
A grin appears on his face. No dimples.
"Normally I don't speak at all." he replies.
I quirk an eyebrow. "Why the fuck not?"
He leans in, so I can hear his whisper, as if he's sharing his darkest secret with me.
"Because I don't like talking to people I despise."
"You hate every single person?" I ask, brows arched.
For a moment, he looks like he's in deep thoughts.
"Yes." he then finally answers.
It makes me smile. "Then stop talking to me."
My sudden command has him stunned for a second and then, he practically beams at me.
"You've made the impossible possible, little moon." he say's. "You're the first person I actually like."
Little moon?
I huff. "That's sad. I'm not likable."
"Come down the fence, little moon." he eventually says, holding out his hand for me to grab.
"Why should I do that?" I ask, eyes on his still outstretched hand. It's a nice hand I must admit.
"Because I believe, you're only here, because you believe your life to be miserable." I meet his stare. "And I am going to change that, now."

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