10 months ago (Mason ) CHAPTER 6

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I'm knocking on her door again, not getting why she needs this long to open a fucking door. "Fay if you don-" my threat gets stuck in my throat when the door finally opens and the most gorgeous woman on earth sends me an angry glare.

Fire is practically shooting out of her eyes. And I swear, I've seen beautiful women before, but Fay lives in a whole other era.
Her hair falls in perfect curls onto her shoulders, she's wearing a green dress that matches her eyes perfectly. A tight dress, leaving not much to the imagination. And her full lips are a deep shade of red. Fuck. Fay hasn't even touched me yet and I'm already hard as a fucking rock. I swallow, my mouth suddenly as dry as a desert.

"You were saying?" Fay asks, raising a mocking eyebrow at me. And fuck, it makes her only hotter. And me only harder.
When I realize I'm only staring at her and not answering her question, I clear my throat. "What is it with you and being late all the time?" I shoot, my voice a little too hoarse at her sight.
Her face gets only angrier. "I wasn't late the first time," she spits. "I didn't go. And I'm right on time now. So stop acting like you've waited for me for hours, when you are the one who got here too early, because you couldn't wait to see me."

Fay is full of surprises. I know she is stubborn and always has something to say, but damn, she's good.
I ignore her last comment because she is kind of right- I've wanted to see her for weeks now. My mind seems to have created a special place only for her.

"Ready to go, beautiful?" I ask instead. She gives a small nod as an answer.
I take her left hand to kiss the back, and then pull her closer to whisper, "I can't wait to see you falling, beautiful." Fay shudders at my words, and I smile down at her, giving her a perfect view of my dimples. I just know she loves them.

"Stop being so full of yourself, Mason." she soothes, a threatening gleam in her eyes, "I haven't even started, and you're already begging for my attention like a lost puppy."
Normally, I would have had a good reply in return, but I'm not working normal with her near. My mind is fucking empty, not able to function right. Because her statement is kind of exactly what I'm doing- Following her like a lost puppy.

"So my ploy is working," I finally say while continuing to smile at her. "good to know."
She shoot's me a knowing glare but doesn't go any further into it. She leaves it be and goes for my car.
Before Fay can reach the door, I open it for her. "What a gentleman." she mumbles, not bothering to look at me and get's in the vehicle.

When I'm in the drivers seat she speaks again, "What I wanted to ask you since you've texted me- Where the hell did you get my number?"
Fay is looking at me intently, almost like she is trying to figure me out.

I shrug at her question, "It wasn't a big deal," I answer. "you can get anything, if you really want it."
"And where did you find my address?"
"Same answer." I simply say, smiling at her loud sigh. I can't stop fucking smiling near her.

"Where are we going on our date?" she asks. I give her a quick side glance, then concentrate on driving again.
"You seem to be full of questions tonight, beautiful."
"And you seem to be full of quick unrevealing answers," she snaps. "can't you just answer a fucking questions like a normal person?"

"That's another question." I smile, her anger is practically vibrating in the car, and I love that I'm able to bring so much emotion out of her.
"You know what?" Fay say's, her voice as cold as ice, "forget it. I'm out." and then she opens her car door, while I'm driving.

My eyes almost pop out of my head when I realize what she is about to do. I've never hit the brake faster.
"Are you fucking insane?" I call, her foot already half out of the car.
I unclasp my seatbelt and get out of my car before she does. My heart is beating erratic in my chest- when I think about what could've happened if I hadn't stopped the car earlier, I'll lose my fucking mind. Because I didn't just drove a low limit, I was fast, fast enough to kill anybody who would have ran into my car.

"Are you ready with your short answers?" she shouts back.
I'm at her side now, she's standing right next to the Mercedes. I grab both of her arms, not hard enough to hurt, but hard enough so that it won't be easy to get out of my grip.

"If you do that again, woman," my voice is a threatening whisper. I can still hear my heart drumming in my ears. "And I will fucking tie you to me."

She's shaking a little I realize, and all my anger fades. "Are you hurt?" I ask in concern, already searching for an injury.
I kill fucking people, but the possibility that Fay could be hurt in any way, gives me almost a fucking heart attack.
I take her face in my hands and look down at her, "God, are you hurt, beautiful?" when she meets my gaze and sees the concern in my face, all her anger seems to vanish, too.

Her green eyes do not leave mine when she lays a hand above mine, "Mason," she whispers, confusion in her tone,
"It's alright. I'm alright." and my heart seems to start properly working again.
I take a deep breath in relieve and then giver her nose a quick kiss.

"Do not ever do that again." I whisper, my lips close to her forehead, "You'll give me one day or another a fucking heart attack."
Fays breaths get more shallow, her gaze slips to my mouth, only to meet my eyes in a matter of seconds to deflect her little glance.
"Careful, Mason." that stubborn woman say's. "or I'll think you actually care for me."
I frown down at her, and it's the second time in my life I think, what happened to her that made her feel so unworthy of being loved or cared for?
But I already know the answer.

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