3 months ago (Mason) CHAPTER 31

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"Mason." Fay whispers, her eyes big with shock, her hands pressed against her stomach.
"What's wrong, beautiful?" I ask in panic, approaching her as fast as I can. "I- I think something is wrong." she stutters, and then falls, I catch her before she lands fully on the ground. "Fay!" I call, my hands shaking on her body. "What is it, baby? Tell me." my voice is husky with overwhelming fear. And then I see the blood. "No!" I whisper. "No. No. Fay!" her eyes fall closed, taking something with me I'll never be able to gain back. "STAY WITH ME!" I press my shaky hands on her belly. "I'll make it alright again. You'll be okay again, baby." I rasp when I clutch her to my chest, I wrap one of my arms under her legs, the other on her back and lift her up. "Don't fall asleep, Fay!" I shout, snapping her awake again. Her voice is weak when she speaks, "Mason, I can't feel anything." No, this can't be happening. Please don't take her away from me. Her eyes fall closed again, her bloodless lips slightly parted, a slow tear leaves her eye, making a wet trail to her temple. My heart is thrumming in my chest, adrenaline flooding through my veins, I start running. "FAY! Please don't do this to me." I can no longer see her chest moving up and down, sending my blood run cold through my body. "No!" It's a low whisper of mine. "Fay, baby." I cry. "Please hold on, we're almost there." We're almost at the hospital. We're so so close. So close. But her eyes never open and her chest never starts moving again.
Her blood is dripping onto the ground, her arms hanging to her sides. There's too much blood. Too much blood. Too much blood. Too much blood. Too much blood.
All I can see is red. Blood. And all I can feel is Fay in my arms, unmoving, never breathing.
And I can do nothing other than look at the love of my life. Dead.

"NO!" I shout from the top of my lungs, my body covered in sweat. My heart pumping in a hurry against my chest.
I smell her before I see her, Fay's eyes are wild when they find mine. She takes my face in her hands, holding it so firm and soft at the same time, that it gives my heart a little squeeze. "It's okay." she whispers while stroking my face in a loving way, studying my face. "Everything is fine, Mason. It was just a nightmare." I clutch her waist and press her flush against my body, Fay sucks in a sharp breath in surprise. My arms are wrapped around her, my face buried in her hair. Slowly she wraps her arms around my neck, holding onto me like I am holding onto her. Like an anchor.
We stay in this embrace for a long while before I finally speak again, my voice raspy from screaming. "I thought I'd lost you."
Fay pulls slightly away from me, her eyes are a little red and shiny. I'm shaking my head, my heart still racing from the dream.
"You died in my arms, Fay." my voice is a broken whisper. I didn't even realize silent tears have fallen from my eyes, when Fay brushes them away. "I'm here, Mason." she whispers back, her eyes never leaving mine. "I'm okay." she lowers her head slowly to press a little kiss onto my lips, making my heart race for a whole other reason. She's still in my lap, whispering soothing words to me until I finally stop shaking. I've never had this kind of a nightmare before and I sure as hell hope it'll never happen again, because it has fucking fucked with my head. Just the thought of Fay dying is my godforsaken undoing.
When I've calmed down enough, I lay a hand under her chin, meeting her gaze. Her beauty takes my breath away. Even barely awake, she is the most gorgeous woman on earth to me. "Thank you." I rasp. Her brows furrow in confusion. "For what?" she asks.
I look down at her full lips before I meet her eyes again. I swallow. "For protecting my heart." her face softens, a little smile appearing on her beautiful face. "Thank you, too." Fay whispers, her gaze dropping to my mouth. "What for, beautiful?"
"For making me live, when nobody but you ever could." she replies, and my heart bursts.
Her fingers wander into my hair, pulling me closer through it. "I really want you to kiss me, now, Mason." and I do. I kiss her until we're both breathless and our chests are moving as if we'd just ran a marathon.
Her gaze drifts to the clock above my head, making her jump out of the bed. "Fuck!" she curses, already running to the bathroom, the door makes a loud click when she throws it closed. I look after her, wondering where the hell she has to attend to be in such a hurry. Because she works from home. As an bestselling author it's not necessary to work in an office full of people.
So where is she going?
I step out of the bed and put on my clothes from the last day when Fay runs out of the bathroom again. Looking now freshly showered and clothed, her wet curls in a towel.
"Why are you in such a hurry, beautiful?" I call after her, already going towards her, following her like a lost puppy.
She's stuffing her bag with keys and women stuff when she turns to look at me, a stressed expression on her face.
"Because I'm supposed to meet Mandy in," she holds her finger up in the air, a sign for me to wait and say's, "shit, ten minutes ago."
"Why don't you call her and tell her you're gonna be late?" I ask, reaching for her hand. Seemingly not able to stop myself from touching her. I catch her wrist and pull her against my body, earning a gasp on her part. She looks onto my lips when she murmurs, "Already done that, she's fucking pissed. Her boyfriend is being bitchy again and she finally wants to gossip about him with me. It's been a while." when she's finished speaking, she's breathless from rattling down the words.
I chuckle when I trace the bottom of her lip with my thumb. "Have you ever thought about changing your career and getting a rapper, beautiful? That was very impressive." a slow smile forms on her lips. "I haven't." she replies. "But thank you very much."
Then she goes onto her tiptoes and kisses my cheek, right where my dimple appears. I lay my hand on her waist, holding her there and catch her lips with mine. I groan into her mouth when I taste her again, but the kiss is over far too soon. Fay pulls away from me, a new beautiful blush on her cheeks and rasps, "You can stay here until I come back, if you want." there's hope in her eyes that I will do exactly that. "I will." I whisper and sound like a lovesick fucker when I tell her, "I can't wait till the moment you come back to me, Fay."
Her eyes flash with happiness at my words. "And now go." I breath close to her lips. "You don't want to upset Mandy any further, do you?"
I can feel her body vibrating with laughter when she says, "No, Mandy is like the devil when she's mad at you."
Fay kisses my mouth one last time before she goes. Leaving a tickle in my whole body.

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