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    The fourth prince and Xue Cheng were not in a hurry to return, but settled in Beijun.

    After all, the main purpose of their trip was to bring Ye Yungui and the two little guys back to Beijing. Ye Yungui didn't plan to go back for a while, so they wanted to stay and wait for the emperor's order.

    Before the emperor's order came, Ye Yungui took the four princes to look around in Beijun City.

    Beijun is very different from the capital in terms of living habits and folk customs. It is rare for the fourth prince to have such an opportunity, and he is quite devoted to it.

    "Let's go, I'll take you to listen to Beijun's script." Ye Yungui dragged the fourth prince to the teahouse.

    The two asked for an elegant seat on the second floor, a pot of tea and a plate of fruits and vegetables.

    "Man, what script are you talking about today?" Ye Yungui asked the waiter in the shop.

    "The story about His Highness the Crown Prince told today, the two of you are not locals, right? This story has been played for a long time, and it is very popular." The

    Great Xia Dynasty's speech is relatively open, so there are not so many taboos. Folks often have some stories about the arrangement of the royal family. Generally speaking, as long as the content is not too outrageous, and there is no disrespect to the emperor, no one will take care of it.

    When Ye Yungui heard that it was his own script, he immediately became interested.

    But after listening to it for a long time, he realized that the story was very wrong...

    The story was very strange, saying that Ye Yungui was a commoner in Beijun except for the governor of Moth, but he was murdered. Fortunately, the goddess of heaven passed by and rescued him, and stayed in Tiangong to recuperate, and released him after he recovered.

    It is also said that on the day the prince came back, auspiciousness fell from the sky, and he dropped fire and burned eighty soldiers in the enemy camp.

    "Pfft!" Ye Yungui almost choked on a sip of tea when he heard eighty pawn cards.

    He didn't expect that the stories conjured up by the people were similar to the dream he made up for his father.

    It's just that the people don't know that he has a child now, otherwise they may not know how to arrange it!

    "Second brother, it seems that the people here love you very much. I heard that you have done a lot of things in the Zhenbei Army, and you have won the hearts of the army." The fourth prince said.

    "In fact, I didn't do much, it was just a matter of little effort. But I didn't expect it to be so easy to be loved by the people. You only need to remove a moth for them, and people will be grateful for a long time." From

    here In this matter, Ye Yungui also realized a truth.

    If an official's local advantages are not well evaluated, it probably means that the person's bones are already rotten.

    "The common people are easy to be satisfied. The more so, the more we can't let us down. As the saying goes, water can carry a boat and overturn it. With identities like you and me, it is important to have the trust of the emperor, but the most important thing is to win the trust of the emperor." The trust of the people, they are the country of Great Xia." "

    In the past, my father often took us to farm in Zhuangzi, saying that he wanted to experience the suffering of the people. But today I heard my second brother say that, and I realized that this matter is really true. Little bit of benefit. We are all princes born with gold spoons in our mouths. No matter how we understand it, we are just deceiving ourselves. With this kind of thought, it is better to do something for the common people." Ye Yungui smiled: "You talk like this in the capital

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