Eyes Open (Leah Williamson)

Start from the beginning

"It must be bad if you can't think of anything" you use every ounce of energy to muster together a sentence.

"I thought it was only Leah you could make speechless but I think I have finally fallen for your charms"

"In" you take a deep breath "inevitable"

Leah snickers between tears at your cockiness even now in the situation you were in.

"Always the charmer" Lucy adds.

"It hurts" the throbbing becomes too much to bear as your eyes close with your body succumbing to the pain.

"We need to get her to the hospital"

The medics lift you onto a stretcher all the while Leah stays by your side. Keira pulls Lucy into her arms as they watch you leave the pitch.

"I need a new shirt" Lucy says as she holds up her blood soaked one.

"No you don't. The game is over. Let's go" Millie tells the team.

Whilst you were getting treated Millie talked with Christine Sinclair and they agreed that they game could end if the officials were ok with it, which they were.

Leah rides with you in the Ambulance while the others decide to shower and tell the defender that they will meet you at the hospital but ask that she keep them updated.

Your body feels like lead and despite your hardest efforts you cannot open your eyes. You focus on your surroundings, you hear beeping noises and the sounds of someone crying.

"Y/N please wake up. You're really scaring me now"

You know that voice, you love that voice. Leah.

"How is she?"

Another voice you recognise. Keira.

"She still hasn't woke up. The doctor said that she could wake up at any point"

"Then why hasn't she?"

This voice belonged to one of your favourite people, your best friend Lucy.

"The doctor said that the body is protecting itself. When she is healed enough then she will wake up"

You feel someone press a kiss against you head but not the side that hurts.

"You really scared me out there. You have to wake up. I don't know where you hid my engagement ring" Lucy's voice is a whisper no doubt so that no one else hears her.

"It's in the same draw as mine"

You slowly open your eyes and you try to sit up but your vision blurs as you get lightheaded.

"Y/N. Baby" Leah is by your side straight away "don't sit up. I will move the bed up"

You hear gears moving and feel yourself sitting up.

"Do you know what happened?" Lucy asks.

"I scored?" You ask optimistically.

"No. You got kicked in the head and got 11 stitches" Lucy explains.

"Here's me hoping that we won and I drank a bottle of tequila to celebrate" you move your hand to your head and wince as you touch the stitches your friend mentioned.

Lucy and Keira laugh at your comment but Leah's eyes remain on you whilst her own brim with tears.

"Hey. I'm ok. Come here"

You gingerly move over so that Leah and join you on the bed.

"I was so scared. There was so much blood and you were so out of it. In the ambulance I thought I was going to lose you" Leah lets her tears falls as she nestles closer into your side.

You want to make a joke about not remembering being in an ambulance but you know it would only add to her worries.

"I'm ok and I'm not going anywhere. You're stuck with me Leah"

"Especially if she says yes" Lucy mumbles at the side of you.

"What did you say Luce?" Leah asks the defender.

"She said she's happy that I'm ok and that I'm a good secret keeper right?"

"I may not know what she said but I know she didn't say that" Leah says confidently from the place beside you.

"That's what I meant" Lucy says whilst burning up from the gaze you are sending her way.

"The girls want to see you" Keira says from the foot of your bed.

"Let the doctor see her first then everyone can come in" Leah answers for you but her best friend's eyes remain on you

"You heard the boss Ke. Doctor then team mates" you place a gentle kiss to Leah's temple before tightening the hold you have on her.

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