PT: fifteen

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Y/n's Perspective

"I-I was told you taught me..." I swallowed, unable to project the proper words out of my mouth from the nerves, "you taught me spells in the past?" I questioned.

Sebastian Sallow stood there. If I estimated the distance between us, he was only two feet away from me and yet, I felt as if he got closer, my body felt weird. I wanted it to stop.

"I did," Sebastian nodded, almost smiling, "I taught you many, actually."

His smile. Sebastian made it quite obvious that he wanted to show some kind of enthusiasm with his words.

There was a stillness between us. It was partially my fault for not speaking next, but it felt strange. I had to second-guess myself why I called Sebastian Sallow in the first place like nothing.

"I'm sorry," My stare went down, looking at my fingers and apologized, "I did not mean to call you at such random time. I didn't think you'll actually...make it." I said in surprise.

I wasn't looking at him, but I can hear a soft snicker come out of the man. I can sense his arms crossing as he also gazed down at the floor beneath us.

"Well, you did press that fang three times." Sebastian reminded, "I did always assured, if you press it, I would come to you. For emergencies." He told me.

I took in his words, wondering if I ever called him in the past.

"Emergencies," I repeated, "Did I always call you?" I asked in curiosity.

I wanted answers. Yeah, I could've taken the easy route of getting my memories back and seeing them myself, but I was scared. Every day it felt more and more scary to see them, but it took time.

I looked up at Sebastian again, his head was to the side, almost wondering for an answer, and nodded to himself.

"No. N-Not precisely." He said slowly, "I suppose the last two times you've called have been a record." Sebastian joked. "You kind of kept the oath of only using it for an actual emergency, but you were quite powerful on your own, You never really needed my help at all."

Should I giggle? Should I be concerned over the power I held before? Should I keep asking questions?

I gave a nod, "Am I still powerful or was that wiped away from me too?"

Sebastian chuckled.

I didn't intend for it to be a joke, but his laugh kind of made me laugh in a low matter. It was contagious. I needed to let it out too.

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