PT: seven

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"I'm sorry."


"Ominis, please—"

"I said it's alright, Y/n."

"It's not alright. I put you in a very uncomfortable position. You don't deserve that." I groaned a little, still feeling the after-effects.

Ominis stopped mid-hallway and kept his head straight, "Perhaps, I should be the one to apologize, Y/n. I should've thought more about leaving you unsupervised with Sebastian Sallow that night."

I sighed, reddening from the embarrassment. Not that I was already embarrassed confessing to Ominis the truth, but it was the only help I had at the moment.

"It's not his fault." I murmured.

"I am not saying it was Sebastian's fault, but what you told me, and what he told me, it was an unsafe moment for both of you. Not only did he strangle you from the trauma, but now he has you taking a dangerous potion." Ominis frowned.

"It's not the first time I've taken it. I just needed you to supervise me in ways...the side effects are weird." I gulped.

It was only two days since I last saw Sebastian Sallow. After a very unplanned experience between the both of us, it was obvious from the lack of knowledge, we weren't really on the safe side of the sexual encounters. Many things happen in between. We never used a spell.

"I didn't need to know that," Ominis scoffed, "But regardless, it should be avoided. You wanted to jump off the astronomy tower the first hour. Then by the second, cast depulso on yourself. Again, dangerous." Ominis sighed.

"And I am sorry..." I pursed my lips, "Do you know where he is now?" I turned to him.

Ominis stood muted.

That was his way now. Mute. I've asked Ominis for information about Sebastian, but he's been avoidant. I understood we needed to keep Sebastian safe, but I wanted answers.

"You know, Ominis," I said in a low tone, "If you don't give me information, I won't stop asking."

"I know you won't, but asking me in the middle of the hall inside Hogwarts isn't the ideal place, Y/n," Ominis murmured, "I told you I'll give you answers soon, but having you leave every other destination would make people suspect too."

I wanted to understand. Sebastian was on the run and me leaving suspiciously out of the castle would only make it obvious. I've already gotten questioned about my absence that one night. It was risky, but I was attached now.

"Y/n, I'll let you know when I have information...alright? You know I wouldn't keep anything from you." Ominis reminded.

I cleared my throat, "I know. I trust you, Ominis."

Ominis would sneakily leave the castle during that same week. Of course, he was more excusable about his absence based on the privilege of being a Gaunt. I, on the other hand, it was difficult now. It was no longer year 5 and with all these loose prisoners around, freedom changed.

Nobody wanted favors from me anymore either. Based on the knowledge of dating an Azkaban prisoner, many people were second-guessing my skills now. As I said before, the rumors were false, but I lost access to many things.

Imagine if they found out what I did in Azkaban — if they found out the number of people I've killed.


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