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Sebastian's Perspective

Fifth Year

"Alright, so we have the 3-combo for the spiders..." Y/n wrote down on an apperated piece of parchment.

I sat next to her on a nearby tree in the middle of the Forbidden Forest after defeating a spider nest.

"Now where the bloody hell did you get a paper from?" I chuckled.

Y/n turned to me, almost blankly, and continued her words.

"Anyways, as I said, the 3-combo...Accio to bring it forward, Glacious to freeze it, and Diffindo to slash it...boom." Y/n wrote vigorously.

I stared at Y/n, almost admiring the small movements she made, and projected them onto something very cute.

"Hm, I prefer the 2 in 1, actually." I disagreed.

The writing stopped and I laughed down, knowing Y/n was going to argue.

My leg lifted, resting my hand on it and I sighed.

"Incendio first then, Confringo right away. Boom, dead. They absolutely hate fire. Really hate it." I spoke.

Y/n stood quiet at the moment.

"Or, perhaps, maybe yours is better. 3 combo it is." I rolled my eyes.

Y/n nudged me, "Duh."


Don't make it too obvious, Sebastian.

I can feel my own conscious speak to me at my physical actions.

Y/n is just teaching, there is no need to feel attracted to this.

"Spiders," Y/n took a breath, using her wand to project an animated venomous hatchling, "You will see these often outside the castle grounds."

"Ew! What's if we're afraid of spiders?!" A young student screeched, covering her eyes from the screech.

I chuckled, arms crossed, "Sadly, darling, you will often see them, even if you avoid them, just use fire on them." I walked.

Y/n stared, almost in a way where I wasn't truly helping.

I smiled down to myself, that although we weren't truly on the best terms, I can still sense some type of expression towards me.

"Right, well, I don't either—which is why Transfiguration spells exists," Y/n explained. "Professor Weasley will teach you more once reaching third year, but it is handy to learn a basic one."

Y/n stood still for a moment knowing that the only true transfiguration spell she actually knew was the most damaging one—the one where it turns enemies into exploding barrels.

The first years weren't definitely ready for that.

"Ebublio Jinx," I walked forward, taking over for her, "Also known as, ebublio. It is used to make any form of enemy inflate and then explode into hundreds of bubbles."

The young girl that had a fear of spiders slipped out her wand shakily, pointing towards the small spider.


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