PT: six *

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This chapter contains mature content.

I stared down at the red and yellow swirls that appeared in my view. My eyes were tired, I can almost sense them closing, but I needed to get rid of the cloak.

"I'll miss you," I whispered.

There was a sense in me that struggled removing the Gaunt cloak. I fought it off myself, but once slipping it off, I felt a bit of relief. It didn't take long until I was near the castle when I threw a firing spell on it and watched it burn. Did I want to? No, but Ominis will never forgive me for keeping it.

Ominis. I debated really hard whether to make it back to Hogwarts or not. I second-guessed Ominis orders because how the hell was I suppose to show up to school after a killing spree on the most guarded prison in the wizarding world and act normal? What if I didn't even make it?

My heart skipped really fast entering the first entrance of the school. As I said, I didn't know what to expect. Yeah, I did cleaning spells on myself to look presentable, but was a hard task to be done.


I gasped loudly, turning at the upcoming voice in the hall and gave an expression of fear as they noticed.

Everett Clapton stood there, stepping back at my reaction and chuckled, "Whoa! Relax, I was going to ask if you wanted to play Summoner's Court this afternoon. I know you've felt off lately and I just wanted—"

"E-Everett," I noticed the Ravenclaw, my fear sense still not decreasing, "I, uh...I'm sorry. I spent all night studying for the Charms exam and I'm tired." I lied.

"Studying? I thought you and Poppy went to find a few beasts for Howin?" He asked, confused.

My brows rose, noticing that Poppy was covering me up while I was committing crimes.

"Oh...t-that's what she said?" I gulped.

"Yeah! I suppose you studied after, so I will respect your time, but Leander said if you're up for a's open!" He offered.

"Right, right," I went along.

I didn't know why I wanted to hide in those halls. I trusted Ominis words. I spent that morning with nerves and lack of trust from the students passing me. I almost wanted to throw every student that stared my way. It was a weird impulse.

"Y/n!" A familiar voice let out, "Oh, Y/n!"

I can feel the arms of Poppy Sweeting giving me a tight hug from behind and I let out a breath, turning rapidly.

"You're back! I have so many—"

Poppy stopped her words before entering the Great Hall as Professor Sharp passed us. He gave a side eye, but Poppy quickly improvised any suspicion.

"Y-You're back from the quidditch field! Nellie mentioned how hard practice was, plus studying? Phew." Poppy excused.

When the professor was at a good distance, Poppy pulled me aside and breathed with questions.

"What happened?! Highwing came back, but you didn't. We all got worried for a second."

"All?" I said in curiosity.

" know, me, Garreth and Natty," Poppy whispered. "W-We didn't hear a word anymore and the Daily Prophet mentioned a break-in, but no suspects were said." Poppy whispered.

endgame // sebastian sallowWhere stories live. Discover now