Neji: Don't push Hinata like that, you fool!

Hinata glanced up at (Y/N) and blushed before looking down again.

(Y/N): Are you okay, Hinata?

Hinata: I-I-I...

Her eyes met everything but (Y/N)'s. He raised an eyebrow and gave her a soft smile.

(Y/N): You what?

Hinata: I...

That's when she noticed (Y/N)'s hands around her. She squeaked and moved away from him, face furiously red.

Hinata: S-Sorry!

(Y/N) chuckled, while Sakura crossed her arms.

Hinata: I-I just...wanted to, uh, say sorry about your...powers...

She looked down at her fidgeting hands, face still red.

(Y/N): <smile fades> Oh. Thank you... It''s a different feeling for sure.

Neji had Kiba in a headlock. The younger boy was trying to break free.

Neji: Will you really never be able to use them again?

(Y/N): I... I don't know. Probably, if using them kills my human cells.

Neji: I see. Well, you're still a formidable foe even without those powers.

He released Kiba who stumbled forward, panting.

Kiba: Yeah. Don't be upset. You're still plenty strong.

(Y/N): <surprised> Wow. I didn't expect something like that to come from you, Kiba.

Kiba: What's that s'posed to mean?! 💢

Neji: He means you're usually an asshole.

Kiba: Why, you—!!

Hinata walked over to Neji and Kiba. She still wouldn't look (Y/N) in the eyes.

Hinata: H-Have fun on your date with Sakura, (Y/N). I hope it's good.

She looked kind of sad. Neji put his hand on her shoulder.

Both (Y/N) and Sakura looked at each other, shocked.

Sakura: How'd you know about that?

Kiba: Eh? That Konohamaru kid was going around telling everyone about it.

(Y/N): Konohamaru? Did he overhear it or something?

Neji: That kid likes to spy on people nowadays especially girls alone with boys. He said something about "research" for a jutsu he's trying to perfect.

(Y/N): I-Isn't he only like 11?

Sakura: Oh, brother.

Neji: We'll be going now. Hinata just wanted to tell you that, but was too shy to do it herself.

Kiba: She really wants to talk to you more, (Y/N). If ya know what I mean.

He wiggled his eyebrows. Hinata blushed even more and hid her face in her hands.

Neji: <hitting Kiba> Don't make it sound vulgar! <to (Y/N)> She just wanted to go on a date with you, is all.

Hinata squealed and hid behind a tree.

(Y/N): Oh. Is that it?

He looked at Sakura who nodded her head, poker faced.

(Y/N): Well, after Sakura and I go on our date, I'd like to take you out, Hinata. I don't like immediately dating someone after just one date.

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