Chapter 72: Justice is finally done.

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24 years later...April 1, 2023..

"Come on Mark, we're going to be late.." Lini shouted enough for Mark to hear from upstairs not wanting to be late for Will's execution date. A lot has happened in 24 years. Lini and Mark got engaged on Christmas Day 99 in front of their children who were very happy and married in 2000. Their relationship was not always perfect like all married couples but they are even more madly in love with one another. and the other. Professionally, Mark went on to be a great legend in wrestling, his unbeaten streak at Wrestlemania, his many title wins throughout his career and ending in 2020. During his Hall of Fame speech, Mark said he and Lini didn't get along very well at first, but over time, feelings came to his heart that he thought was dead, that Lini was someone who always fought. for came from where she is and he had ended up that he loved her and that he is happy to be with her which made half the fans cry. Lini had a somewhat shorter wrestling career than her husband, in 2003 a serious neck injury forced her to quit wrestling making fans very sad but still happy when she made a few appearances.

"I'm coming honey!" Cried Mark, Lini is going to answer the door when she heard someone knocking and it's Agnes and Lona who come home to accompany their parents wanting to come with them to see the murderer who killed Josh, Jessie and Calvin get executed. Agnes and Lona have grown well too, two beautiful young girls in their twenties, still close to each other. Both graduated from university, one has a job in hospitals and the other wanted to pursue her father's dream of becoming a police sergeant. Both are happy in their lives. "So Dad?" Lona shouted quite loudly and Mark arrived putting his bandanna on his head going down the stairs. "Here I come" Mark said looking at his three most beautiful women, he puts on his jacket before following the girls in the car.


As soon as they arrive at the prison, Mark and the girls walk towards the front door before being greeted by the guards, they are escorted to the room where the execution will take place. Mark could see the anxiety in the way Lini behaved, she rubbed her hands several times, looked around, her breathing quickened. "Honey, it's will be fine..hey I'm here.." Mark said to his wife patting his hand, she smiled at him before he reached for her head and kissed her forehead. "Have you heard from him?" She asked seeing that Mark looked at his phone possibly if he hadn't received a message. "No no, I'll call him later." He said to Lini smiling at her before looking ahead. Will and two policemen appeared behind the glass, they shaved his head, handcuffed. Will has aged very badly, he is very thin, his face wrinkled as if he were 10 years older.

Lini takes her husband's hand seeing that Will is tied to the electric chair, Mark reassures Lini by running his other hand through her hair. "Do you want to say one last word before you die?" Said one of the policemen to Will who has been watching Lini and the girls for a while, Mark looks at him coldly while Lona and Agnes look at him without emotion, wanting him to pay for what he has done. "I'm sorry Lini, I love you." Will says which makes Lini shiver with disgust, Mark kisses Lini's hand and gives her a smile as if to say "she is mine and forever." Which doesn't please Will but he didn't have time to say what happened when the policeman lowers the lever and a discharge between 2000 and 2,500 volts travels through Will's body. Lini closed her eyes, tears streaming down her cheeks. Justice is done, Josh...


After Will's execution, they break out of jail when Mark receives a video call, he answers and puts his phone in front of him. "Are you calling now?" Said Mark annoyed that he hadn't heard from his son sooner, Lini heard his son's voice, smiled and showed up on camera with the girls. "Hi my dear how are you?" She asked her son who smiled very happy to have them on the phone. Clark was born shortly after Mark and Lini got married, when Mark heard that Lini was expecting a baby boy, he thought it was a miracle it was a boy and so they named Clark Calvin in memory of his brother who died in 97 and as a third name he also bears the name Josh in tribute and Clark is very proud to carry them.

"How are you all ?" Said Clark smiling who had just landed in Los Angeles, he looks more like his father than his mother, he has green eyes, natural black hair, a well-trimmed beard. He works in WWE as a wrestler, he wanted to mix his father's character when he met his mother and his mother's character. His character is called Thunder, he has his mother's makeup and purple contact lenses and he wears an almost identical outfit that his father had but improved. He is appreciated at his work and his colleagues do not see him as the son of Taker and Alvara, they see him as his own person. "We're fine my dear and you?" Asked his mother trying to hide that she was crying but Clark can see it even if it's a facetime.

"I'm fine, a little stressed for my first Wrestlemania." He admitted, Lona and Agnes waved at Clark in greeting from afar very happy to see her little brother. "You got out of prison, I see?" He Asked seeing behind them the prison, Lini said nothing but nodded thinking of the execution. "He deserved it.." he said going to his car, Mark picks up the phone to talk to his son a bit while Lini gets behind the wheel. "So son your first Wrestlemania tonight?" Said Mark looking at his son proudly, Clark hangs his phone on a hook to stay in facetime with his family while he drives. "I'm stressed dad." He admitted to his father while driving, Mark smiled at his son. "I know it's impressive but I know you can do it." Said Mark reassuring his son as best he could, he smiled quickly looking at his father on the screen of his phone. "Okay I'm gotta go dad, see you soon. I love you all." Said Calvin before hanging up, Mark smiled sadly as he hung up, he began to think while looking through the window.

"We shouldn't be here..."


On Wrestlemania night, Clark gets ready in his locker room, combs his hair, puts in his contact lenses and puts on makeup. He's already in his wrestling gear, his starter outfit is on a hanger, he was touching up his makeup when someone knocked and walked into the locker room. "Woah..You really look like your dad when he was in the ministry.." Clark looks in the mirror and sees his dad's good old friend, Mideon, Denis Knight. Denis approaches him for a closer look as he continues to prepare. "Yes, I am often told that." he said, putting on his big leather and fur coat for his entrance. He patted Denis on the shoulder smiling before leaving his locker room, he was going to see his team "the judgment day", they all look at him with proud looks. "So are you ready 'Clarkie?" Priest asked, patting his young friend on the shoulder.

"Yep I'm fine." Said Clark smiling, Rhea, Dominic, Finn and Priest, these are the four people Calvin gets along with very well, he learns very well with them and learns every day. They love hanging out when they are on the road or not. "Clark!" Someone calls him shouting, he turns around and is surprised to see Agnes, Lona and her parents from afar not believing they were coming. Agnes and Lona run towards their little brother while he smiles and walks towards them, the three of them give each other a big hug, very happy to see them.

"You came!" He said very happy that they are here for his first Wrestlemania. He hugs his mom and does the same to his dad who is very surprised at how much his son looks like him when he was younger, not having realized when they were on facetime. "You think we're not coming when it's your first Wrestlemania." Mark says to his son, Clark's music echoes in the arena, the fans chant "Thuuuuuuunder!!", He looks towards the curtain before looking back at his father. "Kill the show my son." Said Mark to his son before he left to take the stage.


Lini watches her son on TV making his entrance, there is blue and purple smoke, walks watching his opponent intimidating everything around him. Mark walks over to her and wraps his arms around her, he plants a kiss on her temple. "It's crazy how much he looks like you." She said to her husband laughing. "Maybe but he is very respectful, it was not my case before." He said laughing, she smiled looking at him, it's true that Mark at first was a hateful man who had no respect for everyone. "It's crazy how destiny brought our hearts together." She said caressing his face, he turns her around to be in front of her looking at her lovingly. "Do you remember our first meeting?" He asked, she frowned, laughing. "Yeah you were the biggest asshole I've ever met." She chuckled remembering the good old days. "Yeah but I never thought that one day we would be married." He admits with a laugh and then kisses her hands tenderly. "I'm glad life put you in my path anyway." He said sincerely, she smiled at him before kissing him tenderly. "I'm happy to have you in my life." She said before kissing him again.

Who would have believed that one day Lini would be in love with the man she hated so much? Destiny did things well, to bring two broken hearts together and life made them fall head over heels for each other. They both suffered from the same thing, raising a child on their own even though it was very difficult for one who had vengeance in him. Their meeting changed everyone's life and now they are happy together, madly in love with each other.


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