Chapter 17: Hangover

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The drive back to the hotel was difficult for Lini, she staggered with every step Taker had to help her walk to her room. On the way to her room, Lini tries to sing but it's inaudible with all that alcohol in her blood. Taker asked her for her key to open her bedroom door but annoyed when he has to fight with her to take the key from her hands.

They go to the bedroom, Taker turns on the lights, then puts Lini in the bed, she stretches in her bed, smiling, very happy with her victory against the matchos. She feels her shoes undo slowly, she looks down at her legs and sees Taker on his knees undoing her shoes. She rests her head on the bed then her smile disappears, the tears well up and starts to cry. She cries because she partied, she had fun with her colleagues while there is Josh's killer still in the wild, she feels miserable.

Taker hearing the crying sits up when he's finished undoing her sneakers, he frowns when he sees Lini crying. "Are you okay?" Said Taker sitting on the bed next to her, Lini sits up, wipes her eyes trying to calm down. "I..I'm fine..." she said not wanting to bother him with her problems because he wouldn't care, Taker suddenly took her hand, reassuring her as he could. "Listen I know I wasn't too cool with you but you can tell me..What's going on?.." Said Taker wanting to know what she's been up to since this morning, being fed up with to be taken for an idiot when things are not going well. Lini doesn't look at him, she looks at the floor, her tears running down her eyes cheeks, sniffling. She would have liked so much to talk to someone other than him, but hey, she hopes he's a man who keeps secrets.

"I..I'm not well because I'm having fun.." She said crying, Taker doesn't understand what she means, she accepts the handkerchief that Taker hands her to blow her nose before continuing. "I'm having fun while my husband's killer is still in the wild." She confides to the man she hates, Taker feels a little compassion for her, he knows it's hard to lose someone without knowing why. "Don't apologize, you have the right to have that why you weren't good earlier?" he asked, still wanting to know what was wrong.

She looks at him, wiping the tears from her eyes, sniffling. "No... I... I am threatened by the murderer in question... he told me that I would be next... I... I don't know what to do... a friend told me said offered me to live with him but...I know his place is too small..." Said in a trembling voice, not knowing why she told him all this but maybe she can trust him after all.

So this asshole knows where she lives... my theory is correct... it's probably someone close to the policeman. thought Taker.

"I suggest you come to my place, you will be out of danger." Said Taker looking at her eyes shining with tears. Lini frowned wondering why he was nice to her and he wanted to help her now. "Why do you want to help me?" She asked, Taker put his hands on her cheeks, wiping away the last tears that ran down her cheeks. "I won't let a murderer get to you, neither him nor anyone else." He said looking into her eyes, he seems sincere, it's the first time he's been sincere like that with her.

Suddenly, Lini leans over to kiss him, Taker is surprised by this kiss. She deepens the kiss, she doesn't know if it's the alcohol that makes her react like that, she gently feels his hands on her cheeks, he deepens the kiss too. Lini takes control of Taker, lays him down on the bed while kissing him. He runs his hands under Lini's top and under her pants, gently massaging her ass. What are you doing Mark? do you take advantage of a drunk woman? Are you ashamed? Taker's conscience starts ringing in his head, he realizes what he was doing, he pulls his hands away from Lini and breaks the kiss between them.

"What...what's going on?" She asked breathlessly from the kiss looking at Taker. "We shouldn't be doing this." Said calmly to Lini trying to calm down as well.

"Why? is the big bad Undertaker starting to have a heart?" She said, caressing Taker's chest.

He looks at her, he knows that Lini has had too much to drink tonight and she doesn't know what she's doing. He himself doesn't know why he continued to kiss her, maybe the glasses he drank too.

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