Chapter 43: Golden title

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Lini has the cast removed from around her leg, then her bandage with blood stains around her wound, when they removed the bandages, they realized that the staples had come off so she had to be stitched up. She looks at her title not caring about her leg and her injury, she is very proud to have stood up to everyone and finally become the women's champion.

Taker enters the room where Lini is still being treated in a wrestling outfit, he walks towards her, squats in front of her, she looks at him with tears in her eyes. "I..I..I succeeded.." She said not believing her eyes, she thought she was in a dream but it's not a dream. Her leg really hurts, she really won this match and became champion. "And our main event match, casket match, Triple h will defend his title against the evil The Undertaker! Will he become champion tonight?" Says Jim Ross.

Taker looks at Lini, gets up and kisses her on the forehead before leaving the room. Lini dreamed or what? She really got a kiss on the forehead from him? She smiles then watches TV.


Undertaker's music echoes around the arena along with the fans' ovation. Taker walks to the ring to the cheers of the fans but doesn't see Triple H running towards him and hammering him in the back. The bell rings and Triple H does not waste time, continues to hit the deadman who is on the ground. He removes his title which was still attached around his waist, he hits Taker with it on the head.

He lifts the phenom to his feet and walks with him to the ring but heads for the stairs to bang his head against the stairs but Taker holds back, punches him in the stomach and slams his head against the stairs. He hits Triple H several times with his foot then picks him up and throws him into the ring. He goes into the ring quietly but annoyed that he was attacked by surprise, the annoyance could be read on his face. He picks up Triple H then swings him on the ropes before giving him a big foot. He goes out of the ring, looking down below before pulling out a chair. As soon as he gets back in the ring, he kicks Triple H in the ribs before hitting him several times with the chair. He picks him up and throws him into a corner before running, wanting to kick him but Triple H avoids him and Taker gets his leg stuck over the top rope. Triple H takes advantage of this moment to hit Taker on the knees.

As soon as he manages to free his leg, he tries to walk but his knee hurts and Triple H takes advantage of hitting it again and again. He throws him into the ropes before giving him a spinebuster, Triple H takes the chair that Taker used then hits him several times with it like he did to him earlier. He grabs his leg then kicks his leg trying to keep him down then does his Figure-Four Leglock causing Taker to scream in pain. Taker is not going to give up, not tonight, never, he says no to the referee when he asks him to give up. The fans are behind Taker clapping their hands and feet in encouragement, the children in the front row are shouting his name. Triple H stops the submission after a few minutes then sees a purple band fall from Taker's arm, he takes it smiling. Taker tries to get up to grab what Triple H has in his hand. No.. , Taker thought.

But Triple H kicks him in the head, he kneels, stuffs the tape in his mouth before turning him around, puts his knees against Taker's neck and pulls his head with his hands while putting his hands in front his mouth so he can't spit it out. He drops to his knees and gets up before punching Triple H in the stomach and throwing him into the ropes before giving him a clothesline. He removes the tape from his mouth then ties it to his forearm before standing up. As soon as Triple h gets up, Taker takes his arm and turns it around before going to a corner to do an old school.

Taker balances Triple h outside the ring before stepping out of the ring as well. He was going to swing him against the post but Triple h counters and pushes Taker against the post then facebreakers him.


Lona and Agnès and all the fans in the front row watch what is happening before their eyes. Agnès still Taker who is beaten up a few meters from where they are, Lona also watches but says nothing, helpless to see her dad being beaten up right in front of her. She drinks her drink watching what is happening, she gets scared when she sees Boss man, one of the members of the Corporation arrive to help triple h and handcuff Taker. One of his wrists tied to the first rope of the ring, just in front of Lona and Agnès, Triple h goes to get his hammer below the ring. Taker gets up with difficulty and sees that he is tied to the rope but cries out in pain when Triple H gives him a hammer blow in the back, he holds on to the post. Triple H laughs seeing the kids worrying about his challenger tonight. He looks at Lona who looks at him holding her drink in her hand then hits Taker in the head before collapsing and breaking the handcuff from his  weight. Lona looked at her dad bleeding on his forehead then looked at Triple H who approached her and mimed crying.

Suddenly, Lona in a fit of anger, throws her cup full of orange juice in Triple H's face. "Damn it stings!" Triple h yelled wiping his eyes but didn't see that Taker was already up and then got knocked out.


Taker is standing, the blood running down his face, glares at his daughter, she is in the arms of the security guard who is surprised by her gesture. Then turns his attention to Triple H, he lifts him up to put him back in the ring before going up in turn. He gets in the ring and then waits for Triple H to get up before giving him a chockslam, which causes the ring to shake. He makes the sign to end it, he lifts Triple h before bringing him a tombstone then rolls him towards the casket and the corporation run towards the ring to attack Taker. He hits him, kicks him before the Ministry comes to help Taker. Triple H gets up and lifts Taker up to give him a pedigree and then puts him in the coffin. "Rest in peace asshole!" Triple H shouted before closing the coffin but Taker blocked the closure using his arms and grabbed Triple H's neck before getting up and chockslamming him into the coffin and instantly closed. "Undertaker Won!!" Jim shouted into his helmet. "And the winner of the match and the new wwf champion: The Undertaker!" the announcer shouted into the microphone, Taker limping, tired, pain from his forehead injury.

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